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Mike McGifford: Blog


SftM input request

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I've finished my rough draft of Spanks For The Memories chapter 14 - the ROUGH draft. There are people that actually read the story as it gets posted and I really am grateful for that.

This chapter will require a new code to be added and I hope to find a current reader who would be willing to read said rough draft and help me decide if I should post this weekend with the story like it is, or rewrite the chapter to avoid the need for this new code.

With the recent holiday causing availability issues, I find myself lacking my usual sounding board, so it's a matter of to do, or not to do...?

Would some current reader like to assist?

An Editor for Spanks? Hell yeah!

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Finally someone agreed to read my current story, Spanks for the Memories - proofread it and make corrections, etc... editor-type stuff to make the story an easier read and more enjoyable (hopefully!). That person has only just agreed, so it'll be a while before I begin to actually post updated chapters. Until then, I made a promise to myself to post a new chapter each weekend and today is the end of a weekend, so I'm posting it.

This chapter features a subtle test of the Tough Love plan and things get a little harder on two particular females we love to hate. The new kid on the block, Lynette, shows she's more than a 'bit player' in the story, too.

Spanks for the Memories new chapter

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Howdy all! This week on SftM, the Tough Love program kicks off and 2 (or maybe that should be 4) new characters are introduced - Ed Davies and Lynette House (and her twin children). The two adults both have secrets of course, however these particular secrets will affect the story. And the Reasonable Requests rule gets initiated in a big way.

Another version of turning 16

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With an amazing number of comments on this short story, I felt I owe it to the readers to translate it into something readable. For everyone that tried Turning 16, I urge you to try Preparing for 16. It's in the queue!


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I've seen the word and I think it means that it's a snippet of life written down.

I just posted a story called Turning 16. It's based on a dream I had and woke up from this morning. It was a little difficult for me to write because it's like, totally full of you know? "Like" and "Totally" and "You know?"...

Paulie Shaw drove me nuts when he'd play parts like this in movies but I guess it, like, you know, stuck? Imagine it's Paulie when he was 16, if you like!



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