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Mike McGifford: Blog


Formatting issues

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I just had a look at my story (I like to look at the uploaded version) and the formatting is gone. I'm just going to have to begin using a better system to prep the chapter for upload as an htm document (other than google docs, apparently) but I'm WAY behind schedule in R/L today, so it's going to have to wait until tomorrow. There's a "document" within the chapter that's become really hard to read, but please bear with me while I get it fixed!

Amanda and Emily continues

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In this week's installment, the deal gets done. Amanda and Emily agree to a plan that changes everything about their lives for a month. Ann is not happy with what's happening but is finding her power severely limited. Will no one see reason?!

Father's Day!

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Good morning all, HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the dads and moms who have to be dads as well! I decided to give myself a Father's Day gift. Instead of holding onto the next chapter of 'Spanks' for another week, I'm uploading it so I can read it myself online. That may seem like a weird gift to some but it makes me feel "published" to be able to see my story on SoL.

EEEK! My formatting attempt failed miserably so I've just uploaded a replacement copy of the story. It should be easier to read now!

Amanda and Emily have a draft version of the Tough Love rules. They have no idea how that list will go over with their family but for right now, we get a closer look at the dynamics of these dysfunctional family members.

Spanks Chapter 9

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Okay, now that I've read this chapter enough times to make my eyes cross and I can no longer see any glaring mistakes (along with adding, adding, adding until it's a 24 page chapter), I figure, why wait? Post it. So I have.

Brian gets Amanda and Emily alone for a little heart to heart that might enlighten the reader as to Amanda's motivations and then as if he's trying to make them walk out despite the girls' private bet (one he knows nothing about), he increases the number of rules... again...

Spanks for the Memories continues

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Good morning all!

I just submitted a new chapter of my latest story and I've decided that I can only post a chapter a week - real life totally screws with my desire to write all day. Having said that, I have most of the next 2 chapters drafted and I'd be grateful for any feedback with regard to the direction in which these characters are pulling the story. Will Amanda change her tune or see this through? Will Emily get hers?

Both Amanda and Emily are making my skin crawl a little and part of me wants to jump into the story and spit on them - repeatedly - and the worst part is that it's MY story! If I cant change them and I'm the author, imagine how Brian, the male lead feels? The females certainly have a hard look at themselves coming, or at least Emily does. Amanda already knows what she needs, just not how to ask for it. Then there's Ann... what to do with that, um... person...?



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