Kat Sakaro: Blog


Chapter 16, 17, and 18 updates

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Well, Chapter 16 is in editing mode so a few days to chill before I run thru it a few times. Chapter 17 was going to be one thing, however the gods wanted some love as well sooo, chapter 17 is of that and chapter 18 is the Dance. Fair warning that chapter 17 may be smaller than my recent work, but just means it gets done quicker, and I can finally get to the Dance.

Ch 15 in queue

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I've got chapter 15 in the queue to be published. Chapter 16 is coming on strong, taking a little longer than I anticipated and might be shorter than what I have been writing lately. I do have chapter 17 in my mind, I can't wait to get to it.

CH 15 in editing mode

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I've just finished writing chapter 15, starting chapter 16 strong already. Over the next few days I'll be writing 16 and editing 15.

The thing with chapter 15 is I started it with one title and a ending in mind, but the characters had another plan and now has another title and a way different ending, which makes chapters 16 and 17 easy for me to write. Some times you have to love it when a plan doesn't come together and makes a new one for you.

Chapter 13.

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Chapter 13 will be coming out tomorrow (Monday) at ~8AM. I have chapter 14 in the pipeline for next Monday. I am working on chapter 15 right now hope to have it finished by Monday after next. I'll admit the chapters aren't coming along as fast as I would like but they are coming, so if I faulter on getting a chapter out once a week then I apologize now.

50,000+ words and 14 chapters

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'A New Lease on Life' has just crossed 50,000 words. I'm a novice writer, hell I'd say I'm not even that to be perfectly honest, this is my first attempt at real writing.

50,000 words is a lot to me, and 14 chapters. Honestly I was just going to write a few chapters that were stroke scenes, but that's not how it turned out and now I'm writing an actual story.



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