Kat Sakaro: Blog


Chapter 17. And health update.

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Chapter 17 is taking a lot longer than I thought to finish. It is slow going as I slog thru it, sentence by sentence, word by word.

As for myself, I think I got my sleep cycle back to what people call normal. I also have a minor procedure Friday morning, just a cortisone injection into my lower back and spine. It's going to do two things to me.
One, it'll take away the majority of pain from my lower and middle back.
Two, being pain free will cause me to do more things, which in turn cause me more pain because of Fibromyalgia.
So the cortisone injection is both a blessing and a curse lol. I just want the pain to go away so I can sit at my desktop and enjoy my desktop set up. Dual monitors, Ryzen 9 5900x processor, 3070ti I got just as the scalping started.

So that's it for the update. I hope not to be late in getting CH 17 out to publish for Oct 11th, but if I do I might take a couple of weeks off and build up a couple of chapters for queue in November.

Computer malfunction

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Ok, my laptop is having a major malfunction, random apps being closed. So, I will be rebuilding it today and tomorrow possibly. I hope this won't interrupt the flow of my releases. I do have this monday and next monday covered with chapters 15 and 16. 17 will probably need more time to be written and then edited.

Chapter 16 update

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Chapter 16 is in the queue now. No major edits, just grammar and minor tweaks.

Chapter 17 update

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Well seems It's taking a bit longer than I thought to write chapter 17. and not because it's getting long, in fact the opposite.

A little hint at where chapter 17 is going to be is Alfheim (Álfheimr). I'm having trouble finding source on it, so I'm going to make it up, make it sound Norse like and hope for the best.

So, that's where I'm at, so expect some delay in getting chapter 17 out the door. 16 will be in the queue for release by end of today or tomorrow. Chapter 18 should have enough sex in it for everyone to enjoy. Not quite orgy status, but plenty of cross play, and maybe a surprise player, not sure how I can swing it if it's even possible.

100 followers and 200+ saves

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Maybe not exactly 100 followers now, but 98 is close enough. I never could imagine that many people would want to follow me. Also 210 premium members have "A New Lease on Life" saved in their library. So thank you all for your support.

Speaking of "A New Lease on Life". Chapter 16 is half way done with the first pass of editing. I'll try to get it done by Friday. Chapter 17 so far is going strong, might be a bit short still.

Thanks again for all your support it means a lot to me, and now I go back to editing.



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