Kat Sakaro: Blog


updates: Story and personal

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I'm alive still yes I know I've said it before. ANLoL is slowly creeping along, I've just about finished with the dance, little drama as always, just how the characters want to be I guess. Chapter 20 will be different, it'll be an introduction to the new characters so to speak. It'll be from their point of view so you'll have to read carefully who's side you are reading from.

Myself I'm recovering from what's known as a Fibro-flare. Incase you didn't know I have fibromyalgia, and a fibro-flare is where someone is in a heightened state of pain and other fibromyalgia symptoms. Also I'll be having surgery at the end of the month so I won't be doing too much writing for a few days after that.

So here's my update hope you can continue to wait on me to get a new chapter out. I'm sorry it's taking so long.

ANLoL: 75,000 words

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I just hit 75,000 words today, well it was at like 2 in the morning this morning. When I started "A New Lease on Life" I was gonna go for a stroke story, obviously that isn't the case now. Everything took a left turn at the start and now I have this story with a plot (I think).

I just want to thank those who have read my story so far, to those who have stuck with me during my 2 years of writers block hell. It has given me the encouragement to keep going after all this time. I know I will have around 100,000+ words by the end of this story. I also have delusions of grandeur of having a multi-book story arc, which means more writing and actually learning more about writing. I have learned a few lessons with this story though, like actually finishing it before I start posting it.

In closing, thanks again to those who read my story and stuck around all this time.

Chapter 18 ANLoL Release date

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I've got chapter 18 done, self-edited, and plan on releasing it on Monday, Jan. 23rd 2023 probably 8am. So look for it between 8am and 10am. That's the time frame my chapters are released in.

Chapter 18 ANLoL

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I've finally got chapter 18 finished! I didn't know how to end the chapter at first and thought it was just go on and on, but I got my ending and I'm happy with it. Now it needs a looking over for the obvious flaws, and continuity, as well as spelling and grammar.

So chapter 18 is the lead up to the dance and that'll be chapter 19. I'm not sure if I want a conflict in this chapter or not. I've noticed a theme happening, get togethers and events seem to have some kind of conflict. Dying, getting shot, assaults etc. Let me know if it's too much but, we will just have to wait and see what happens, even I don't know what will happen until it's written. I feel like a lot of authors have that issue.

So chapter 18 will be posted, soon*, I hope by end of month if not early next.

Still alive

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Happy new year everyone. I'm still alive, I'm still working ANLoL. Sadly it's painfully slow, a word here, a sentence there. My mental issues are keeping me from recalling my story so I'm having to keep reading it over and over and it slows me down.

Also my ADHD has decided that I'm going to hyperfocus on Pokémon Scarlet since it released. It's the first pokemon game that I've fully 100% in, and by that I mean, beat the elite four (and the other 2 missions) and 100% my pokedex.

As for ANLoL, I am slowly getting thru chapter 18 and actually about to close it out. Chapter 19 I know what I want, it's just how well can I write it? if it's too short then I'll just merge it with 18. There's a 99% chance of sex though so maybe it'll be just a stroke chapter lol.

In closing, once again. Happy New Year Y'all!



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