Kat Sakaro: Blog


no update today

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Sorry for not having an update today I'm having some personal issues that I'm looking into. I will update when I can.

A New Lease on Life Ch10 - Editing

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I just finished up chapter 10 and it is at my editor so I might be able to get it in on monday, if not it'll be the following monday.

I've read some comments and PMs about my chapters being short. Yes they are short, but they also focus on an event or specific period of time, and it's just how I write.

And as always, thank you for reading and voting, this story is now over a 7.0 rating. So thank you all for your support.

A New Lease on Life Ch9

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Chapter 9 is in the queue for Monday morning. Chapter 10 is still being written, I've got the premise and I know what I'm going to write, but. Time, effort and length are against me in getting this done in time for regular release.


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I just want to say to the first 50, now 52, followers thank you for your support and your belief in me as an author. Thank you.

A New Lease on Life Ch8 queued

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Alright, got chapter 8 in the queue, chapter 9 is done and edited, chapter 10 is going along smoothly.



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