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It's been a while since I posted, and will be reviewing my own story to see if I can get back into writing it. I really liked writing it, and it seems you the people like it as well, and still reading it. I can't make any promises as to if I'll continue, all I can say is, that I will try.
I'm still around, just haven't had that creative spark yet. I've tried re-reading my story to try and continue it and nothing so far. I'm afraid it might be a while before I get back to writing.
I'm just letting you know I'm still alive and kicking. Medical issues aside now, just trying to get into the writing groove again. Although other real life items are coming up so have to prep for those so going to be a bit longer for more story. I've got all of 1 paragraph of chapter 11 done, chapter 10 is mostly done just need to run over it one more time before I feel like it can be published.
In other news while I'm not writing I'm gaming, and I'm playing around with Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access. I tried the second game but couldn't get into it, but BG3 I'm getting into. Might even get me to write up a campaign idea or two to DM. Although I do miss being a player, much rather be a player than a DM to be honest.
So, I'm alive, I'm just not in a writing state of mind, and I'll get chapter 10 out as soon as I can with all the real life stuff I need to get done this month.
I'm doing better, my medical issue wasn't serious, but it did put a halt to my writing and posting. I'll be back at it soon enough so don't worry, I will keep writing.
Sorry for not having an update today I'm having some personal issues that I'm looking into. I will update when I can.
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