Kat Sakaro: Blog


Update 8/21/2020

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Update time I guess. I haven't heard from my editor yet, it's coming up on a month now. I might have to look for a new editor to keep "A New Lease on Life" rolling. Speaking of I'm on chapter 9 now, still early developing it and ideas rolling around in my head.

In the real world I hear there are going to be 2 hurricanes rolling thru the gulf. I'm no where near that area as I live in Georgia, USA, I place the USA as I've been asked a few times if it was the state or the country when online. But here is to hoping that the gulf doesn't get too slammed and everyone is safe.

In the mean time I'll be updating my profile a bit. tell you a bit more about me. With this being a pen name it'll be of my pen name, and a bit of me behind the name, specifically the non physical stats.

In closing, I'm still here, I'm just stalled due to an on vacation editor. Still writing which would have stalled by now but I'm liking what I'm writing so that's good too. Also feel free to comment on the story, or message me directly about what you like or don't like, even how I could do better if you are a writer yourself.


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I'm sorry that Chapter 6 of "A New Lease on Life" is delayed. I'm still waiting on my editor to get back from vacation and then get thru their queue of stories. I'm sure chapter 6 will be worth the wait though. I've got chapter 8 done now, going to go over it again in a few days and I'm working on chapter 9 as well now.

A New Lease on Life: Author ramblings

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Alright Since Chapter 6 is in queue to be edited and 7 is awaiting polish, last minute additions, and editing, and chapter 8 is slowly starting to form. I'm realizing I need something more than what I have for character bios. I'm thinking of posting them as a 'story' here on SOL for everyone to see. A chapter per character to make it easy. Update them as needed and let everyone know in these blog posts. I would like to know what my fans and followers think, so feel free to message me, even if you aren't a fan or follower, message me.

I am learning more and more as I write, I'm learning to cool off the story a bit and come back to re-read what I wrote and make sure it makes sense. I hope what I learned shows in chapter 6, at time of finishing it, it was ~5500 words (pre-edit) which was around 1/3 the word count of the prologue and chapters 1 thru 5. Chapter 7 currently is at 4450 words (also pre-edit).

I know I can't please everyone. I know my story has gray areas of morality, like 2 physically 13-year-olds, but the mentality of 43-year-olds being sexually active. Then there's the fantasy of mastering the mind and having abilities like telekinesis, telepathy, even some form of fantasy DnD psionic abilities when they are older, and who knows what else feels right to put into it.

With that I end this post. Feel free to message me with compliments, critiques, or just fan mail. I will try to reply to most if not all for now. And as always. Thank you for reading this blog and my story.

A New Lease on Life Ch5

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I've got chapter 5 in the queue for Monday morning. It's about 95% edited, the last few paragraphs I've looked over and over again since my editor is out on vacation for another week or 2. Chapter 6 will have to wait until we go over it with a fine tooth comb. I already have my idea for chapter 7, it could be a darker chapter, but the ideas are rolling around so we will see where it goes when it's ready.

A New Lease on Life Ch4

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I've got chapter 4 ready for tomorrow morning. I'm still working on chapter 6. Things have slowed down for me in the writing area, and my editor is on vacation so chapters 5 and 6 will have to wait on them to return, probably a week, no more than 2 week delay in posting chapter 5, I hope.



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