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Great news, Chapter 6 is in the queue for Monday morning! Chapters 7 and 8 are being revised and edited for later postings.
Unfortunately chapter 9 is proving to be a bit of a pain to come out onto paper. So hopefully I'll have a break thru soon.
I've made it thru revisions 1 and 2 of "A New Lease on Life" now just waiting for it to come back.
Good news. My editor is back and we are running thru chapter 6 so I might have a post for next Monday. He's also running thru chapters 7 and 8 right now.
Update time I guess. I haven't heard from my editor yet, it's coming up on a month now. I might have to look for a new editor to keep "A New Lease on Life" rolling. Speaking of I'm on chapter 9 now, still early developing it and ideas rolling around in my head.
In the real world I hear there are going to be 2 hurricanes rolling thru the gulf. I'm no where near that area as I live in Georgia, USA, I place the USA as I've been asked a few times if it was the state or the country when online. But here is to hoping that the gulf doesn't get too slammed and everyone is safe.
In the mean time I'll be updating my profile a bit. tell you a bit more about me. With this being a pen name it'll be of my pen name, and a bit of me behind the name, specifically the non physical stats.
In closing, I'm still here, I'm just stalled due to an on vacation editor. Still writing which would have stalled by now but I'm liking what I'm writing so that's good too. Also feel free to comment on the story, or message me directly about what you like or don't like, even how I could do better if you are a writer yourself.
I'm sorry that Chapter 6 of "A New Lease on Life" is delayed. I'm still waiting on my editor to get back from vacation and then get thru their queue of stories. I'm sure chapter 6 will be worth the wait though. I've got chapter 8 done now, going to go over it again in a few days and I'm working on chapter 9 as well now.
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