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I've got Chapter two in the queue and should be posted on Monday, 8 AM. As much as I want to say I have the entire story done, I don't. the first 4 chapters are done, 5 is almost done, but beyond that. Anyone's guess. So here is hoping I can keep this going for a long while.
Chapter one is in the queue if not already posted. I hope ya'll will like it
I've changed some of the codes on 'A New Lease on Life' I will be adding some as they appear in the story, but for now, there is no sex (yet).
I'm also still looking for a volunteer editor to help edit my stories. I've got 4 chapters ready that need editing and review and the like.
After some feed back and comment reads, I am changing a few things in CH 1 of "A New Lease On Life". First up it'll just be a prologue page. Second, with some help I've made some things more clear, edited some things, like the infamous meet and not meat mentioned a few times. And third looking to get an editor, already had some one offer to edit my work and messaged them back about it so hope it'll turn out well.
I posted my first story "A New Lease On Life" I know chapter one is short, very short, but I just wanted to see how people would react. I'm still writing it, I'm only up to chapter 6, and editing chapter 5.
I hope to be able to put up a chapter every few days or so. I know I'm not the best, hopefully not the worst. I don't have an editor only what google Docs has.
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