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I can see (MORE) clearly now...
Well, I did not think Nadia's witty remark and Dave's response to it would evoke such debate! The mailbox was overflowing, and even some comments came in.
So, what did I do? (LOL) A quick search on Google. Well it seems like the song by Johnny Nash went a far way. There are covers by Jimmy Cliff, Ray Charles and even Bob Marley. AND I like them all!
IF you want to broaden your horizons - Take a peak at this one:
I Can See Clearly Now - An International Musical Collaboration
(YOU KNOW THIS PART just add the "ATCH TEE TEE PEE ESS DOUBLE DOT SLASH SLASH" part before the address! Else SOL is gonna kill me.)
Here you could really see an International Musical Collaboration with the lyrics in a few languages you did not think possible, and all in one song!
BTW - I've downloaded all the video "footage" (LOL) and converted the video to mp3 for my phone, tablet, Laptop, Desktop...
Be good! Stay safe! Stay free!
Bye 4 now!
PS. That hill in the story? Go take a peek at my other blog. There's a REAL photo of it.
Well, Chapter 23 is out of the oven and waiting on the upload at around breakfast time. (USA time) When the upload gets available it will be about 15:00 here with me while my Australian friends will be winding down their day, hopefully with something good to sooth the nerves of the day!
NO SPOILERS, but why is Daiki so in a hurry to get away from his little camp on the hill? Camping was always something good for me. So, why the hurry? I think we'll have to wait and see...
Thanks for all the emails and comments. (Even the visits to my "other blog.")
Yes, I know about green cheese! (You'll know how you are...)
There was also a question, (after my post of all the countries.) about the OS from where the hits came. Well check below.
Android 10
Android 11
Android 9
Android 8.1.0
Android 8.0.0
Android 4.4.2
Sorry! This blog editor don't take tables, or tabs!
Some also asked about why "The Grumpy Old Voice" did not answer Dave; Well I think he's on holiday in the Caribbean, maybe sipping a Piña colada, spying out the wildlife. (LOL)
So, until next time. Enjoy C23, and keep the rubber side down on the tar!
Bye 4 now!
Sorry to do this to you, but I believe you would understand the issue. There were a few technical errors in chapter 22 of Stray Cats. I just had to revise it. Nothing on the story line, but more to do with the literature part of the language.
I did correct the offending parts and offer you the new chapter 22. Please accept my sincere apology for this inconvenience.
There will be a slight change in the text, and some of you would not even notice it, but for those readers that are in fact also authors, you will notice it straight away.
Thank you to the kind emails I received, from authors, that pointed out these two or three technical issues, I did not even know existed in the English language. It is appreciated. I hope this newer, cleaner version of C22 will be in order. (Well, it reads better.)
Stray Cats chapter 23 is currently with the Editors. So, maybe by Tuesday, it will be available.
Bye 4 Now.
Hi All.
I had some emails regarding the "...three red..." call of Olivia, when they took off with the Herc. Just to indicate to all out there that "THREE RED," means the wheels are up and unsafe for landing, here is a short explanation.
Blinking green lights or red lights indicate the gear is in transit and neither up and locked, nor down and locked. When the gear is fully stowed up with the up-locks secure, the lights often extinguish to follow the dark cockpit philosophy; some aeroplanes have gear up indicator lights, either amber, or red. It is NEVER green, as green indicates that the wheels are DOWN and LOCKED and SAFE TO USE. Red, Amber, or dark, indicate UNSAFE wheels. Some systems even support a sort of silhouette of each gear to indicate when it locks in the DOWN position. The lights are triggered by micro switches in the wheel wells or even on the wheel transition gearbox. When the wheels are UNSAFE, it is neither down and locked nor up and locked.
Some general aviation aircraft have only a lever, marked UP or DOWN. No indication is given if the wheels are SAFE, thus many an accident happened when landing, THINKING the wheels are down, but in fact, the wheels never LOCKED in place for a safe landing. This most often results in a lot of headache or tears, or both.
Green = Good.
Blinking, Red, Amber = Not Good.
RED, AMBER, NO Light = Really not Good.
Hope this helps.
Another thing: I have no idea why the part of Dave saying: "... said the spider to the fly...." is in italics. The original upload was good. It must be something with the SOL converter. Sorry, it's out of my control. I'll try to upload a fresh copy.
Stay safe.
Bye 4 now.
Such a balmy day here. Temps going on19 degree Celsius, few stray clouds, but the day seems to be going like a Boeing.
A spite of tyre spiking occurred on the highway to the north, but the Metro Cops got one guy resting at ambient temperature and two or three accommodated at the local guest house for slime. Just wish they could get the ones doing house robberies going the same path. Oh, well, all can't be rosy and peachy. But the nine mill is cleaned and primed. Waiting...
Chapter 22 will be up around USA breakfast time, late after supper in Australia and for you guys in the UK, about 13:00 or 14:00.
So, let me get going with my day, and retreat to somewhere quiet and peaceful. The Pipers and Cessna's are running around here like crazy. Runway 11 in use, so they all overfly my place, and some of them has only free flow exhaust systems. NO baffles! Try to write or watch a movie…
Stay safe.
Bye 4 now.
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