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Hi all!
Phew! Not again! Stress! Yeah… When your one editor tells you he can’t seem to get his edit to you, he’s emails get rejected. Well, I have three email addresses, and he tried each one. No cigar!
Okay, I remembered I have another email that I never used. I got it when I subscribed for a VPN. Then, mayhem! My email ALL went bones up! Have you guys ever tried to get Google to help you to get back on the air? They want to send security codes and stuff to a recovery email. Huh? What recovery email?
Well, thank you for having a little unused hidden away email. That helped, and I was BACK! Needless to say; the edit did arrive… But I have a few grey hairs more.
AND, here it is! Enjoy chapter 14. Not much action, some smooching and some aircraft porn… But it’s life. The characters do need some life too, it can’t be all guns, explosions, blood and tears, now, can it? Somewhere along the line one needs to eat and drink as well…
Keep well, and stay safe! Until next time.
Bye 4 now!
Hi all!
Here we go with chapter 13. I hope you like it! And yes, the answer to the riddle or code is given near the end of the chapter.
Thanks for those who nominated “To Cheat the Devil,” and “Amelia” in the Clitorides awards. Really, guys & girls, it is appreciated. Although, I see only “To Cheat the Devil” made the final cut for Long Erotic Story of the Year. And Jody DanielS (With an “s” at the end) made it to Author of the Year.
LOL. Never mind if they put an “s” at the end of my pen name, it is still me! It looks like they changed their criteria as only 10 items in a category went through for the final vote. Good luck to every author and story that made it through. (I see some of my favourite authors is there.)
There’s some really good authors and stories there, so catch it while its fresh. LOL.
Now on with the story! Chapter 13 will post later today and chapter 14 goes out to the editors shortly.
Keep well, and stay safe! Until next time.
Bye 4 now!
Hi all!
Here we go with chapter 12. I hope you like it!
Now… Thank you for all the correct mails about the “without wax” thing. Yes you guys were right. The answer would be revealed in chapter 13. It just goes to show, as I told my one editor, my readers DO read between the lines and get what I mean. Don’t I just love you readers! As one email stated: “I always learn something from these stories!” (As long as you don’t take the stuff Nadia cooks up and try it at home! There you are on your own! LOL!!!!)
Keep well, and stay safe! Until next time.
Bye 4 now!
Hi all!
Sorry about the late posting, but I only have a very small window that the internet is available. Sometimes when it is on, I am not near my Laptop to do it. Yes the Load-shedding is driving us all nuts here in South Africa. Now into stage 6 that means up to 8 hours of power out! Grrrrrrr! But, let me refrain from commenting on that sorry state of affairs.
I did find that the WhatsApp media platform works during power outages thus, I can converse with one of my editors, and even voice call him, or attach a document for editing, even if it is from SA to the USA! Thank God for small mercies! This helps for when the e-mail is offline.
NOW! Let me post chapter 11 before the internet goes. Have fun!
But: Before I go. Thank you for those nominations in the Clitorides 2022. It is appreciated.
Keep well, and stay safe! Until next time.
Bye 4 now!
Hi all!
The Redhead and her sister are back at work. They were not to keen on going back, but what has to be, has to be…
Well chapter 10 is about to be uploaded and chapter 11 is off to the editors. In chapter 10 there’s an interlude where Dusty needs to put Andrea at ease after her ordeal as “CEO” of Quad Five.
Some of you will find the interlude an interesting titbit, and some will not. Sorry to those that don’t think it is relevant, but all my editors agree that it does not detract from the story and keep in line with the interwoven historical facts about South Africa.
To my South African readers: This is the true story of “Just Nuisance.” Although, there are many facts that I did not include. You will find many websites that do reflect all the facts. I only touched on the highlights. (And I left out his wrap sheet of offences by intention.)
As I am not allowed to give URLs on this blog, just follow the way Dusty told Andrea to search for the facts. (LOL, there's many ways to skin a cat...)
Keep well, and stay safe! Until next time.
Bye 4 now!
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