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Hi all!
It’s been a while, but life keeps me busy. It is still the yard work season and yeah… Cleaning up the driveway and front yard, getting all the leaves and stuff away was a task in itself. THEN two days later, 50 kilometres an hour wind from the south and a mother of a thunderstorm. ALL the leaves and tree branches from across the road, BACK in my front yard! (Grrr… Bark, bark!)
And then there’s Load-shedding, brown-outs, whatever you want to call it. Up to 10 hours out of power per 24 hours. (Grrr! Bark, bark! And unprintable words!)
And to top it all! The internet is so sloooooow… Like a snail on crutches! While I’m writing this, I’m waiting now for ten minutes for the SOL website to respond, so I can post the chapter. Even my WhatsApp chat to my editor in the USA that usually is lightning fast, takes forever to go through. Maybe the Transatlantic cable is damaged again. Why can’t the guru techs go satellite, instead of an old prehistoric cable?
Well, chapter 19 was going back a few times to the editors. One editor was not happy with the “Sequence-of-events” description and felt that it would make the readers lose the plot. It was an essential part of the story that will show Dusty as a human being that can also make mistakes. Don’t we all?
This chapter was supposed to be the last chapter, but the story dictate otherwise… LOL! So, for a few of you the agony will be prolonged. Sorry…
Finally: I want to take this opportunity to congratulate all the winners in the Clitorides Awards. Good Show! May there be many more from your pens!
Thank you for all of you that voted for “To Cheat the Devil,” as “Long Erotic Story of the Year.” Tenth place is good for me! And also for voting Jody Daniel(s) in the category Author of the year in 6th place. It is highly appreciated. (Yeah, I know that the guy that nominated JD had a typo and added an “S” to my pen name, but all is forgiven. LOL. We are still good!)
Thank you to my three Editors, you guys are excellent. Especially my Canadian editor that persisted in editing during a difficult time in his life, after losing his wife to an illness that is so unknown and not understood by medical science. God bless you all.
Keep well, and stay safe! Until next time.
Bye 4 now!
Hi all!
I do hope you guys and girls are doing fine, and that the tornadoes, ice rain and snow has gone on to other parts of the world. I see old man winter is reaching out towards us…
Well without further ado, here is chapter 18 of Morningside Meadows. Like one of the readers commented: “… Now hakhana with C18…” Well, sometimes one has to abide by the schedule of the Editors. I can’t hurry them up! I need that service that cost me… nothing! So, if they are busy, then I sit down and wait...
One editor commented that the story could have ended two chapters ago. BUT, the romance is the story, not the action, drama and cliffhangers. So, let us see where the story goes. There might be some fireworks towards the end. Who knows.
And for those of you that look out for funny words I sometimes use… there’s another one in the beginning of the chapter. Happy hunting!
Keep well, and stay safe! Until next time.
Bye 4 now!
Hi all!
I do hope you all that did celebrate Easter, had a wonderful and blessed weekend. I sure did. But sadly it has to end, and the redhead is going back to the salt mines tomorrow. So I’ll just jump back into fantasy land and go dig up chapter 18!
Without delay, here is chapter 17 of Morningside Meadows, and it will be up later today.
Well, Easter weekend did take its toll, and I am a little behind on the rest of Morningside Meadows, but fear not! On time, every time, the next chapter will be there!
Funny though, my editors had no comment on the French part of the dialogue in chapter 17. (Maybe they don’t speak French! LOL.) But the language of L O V E has got to be – French. Vous n'êtes pas d'accord?
Keep well, and stay safe! Until next time.
Bye 4 now!
Hi all!
Chapter 16 of Morningside Meadows will be posted a little later today.
The writing on chapter 17 is going slowly. Maybe because the research into a new story is taking up much time, but chapter 17 of Morningside Meadows will post within the time frame. Lucky I am already halfway.
I see that Old Man Winter is slowly reaching out to us. The days are much shorter, and the temperatures are slightly falling.
Keep well, and stay safe! Until next time.
Bye 4 now!
Hi all!
Chapter 15 of Morningside Meadows will be posted a little later today. I wanted to post it yesterday, but ran out of time getting to finalise the chapter. There is some gremlin somewhere in my laptop. I was sure that I did finalise it, and saved it, but somehow I can’t find it anywhere on my computer, and had to do it all over!
This is now the third time this has happened. I get it back from the editors, I revise it, do the changes that was suggested, put in the pictures, compile the ZIP file for SOL, and save it all. Write the note to the moderator on SOL, and my blog entry. Then as I want to post it, it’s gone, nowhere, evaporated!
I write my submission also as a Word file, therefore I can spell check it and change it before I really post it. Now to find that gremlin...
Well it is now Sunday 2023-03-26. Let’s see if it is still there tomorrow.
OKAY: Monday 2023-03-27: It’s still there! Yee-ha!
Keep well, and stay safe! Until next time.
Bye 4 now!
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