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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

James Howlette: Blog



Posted at

I am still amazed at the popularity this had already garnered so thank you all. I figured due to the requests I keep getting I would mention it here.

Just like all my current stories they will post every week. There was a mix up a little while back. I was scheduling my posts and set up Stargazer to post Wed Oct 6th. Instead it posted along with a new chapter of The Champion's Challenge and threw my plans outta walk just a little bit. I am happy to say things are all set and ready to go now so you won't have any more large gaps.

I will as always post in my blog and on my patreon if there are going to be any delays, those are usually due to real life getting in the way. Still I will strive to do my best and share this journey with you.

Thanks again,


Chapter 46

Posted at

I have been notified of the issue and will be able to fix it tonight after work. Apologies for the problems with the post.

Just a reminder and a thank you

Posted at

Hello all,

Just a reminder that Into The Stars posted three weeks early, so chapter two will not be posting u til the 6th of October.

I also wanted to say thank you and voice my surprise at how much interest my new story has gained. The viewership of chapter one was double my average for The Champion's Challenge.

Thank you all for your support and patience. Please keep safe out there.


Premature posting

Posted at

Good evening all,

My new story, Into the stars posted a little ahead of schedule. I thought I had set it for an October posting, but I see it posted tonight. I will have to adjust things a tad, but enjoy the first chapter. Chapter 2 will post October 6th, which is when the first chapter was to have posted.

Patreon will be 3 chapters ahead, so I will have to ready an extra chapter to ensure that gap. Thank you all for your support, but a heads up that there is far less sex right now in the new story than either of my past series. Not to say there isn't going to be any, but I needs to make sense and evolve naturally.

I have started dabbling in digital art and hope at some point, if I get any good, to make my own cover art and maybe character art at some point for patreon.

I hope you enjoy and keep safe out there

Book 2 surpasses Book 1 in downloads

Posted at

Wow everyone, just wow!

I never thought that the interest in book 2 would be so intense compared to the first. It took well over a year to hit 100k, where Book 2 did it in half the time. Not only that, but my followers are now nearing 700.

You all humble me with your interest and support of my work. I have come a long way since my first story and I know I have a long way to go, but you all keep me going.

Thank you all and I will do my best to continue to grow as a writer. I look forward to sharing all my stories with you and seeing where things will lead us.

Keep safe,




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