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James Howlette: Blog



Posted at

Hey everyone,

I had hoped to have a complete version posted on my Patreon, but I had a death in the family this week and it has delayed my plans. I do hope to have it ready by this weekend.

Thank you all.

Finally finished

Posted at

Hello all,

I am happy to announce that Book 4 has been completed. This weekend I will be posting a complete copy on my Patreon page and Sunday I will post an extra chapter, putting Patreon 3 chapters ahead of Storiesonline.

I am also happy to say I have already jumped into writing Book 2 of Would you like to play again - The Champion's Challange. I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you.

Again I would like to thank Robin Pentacost for his awesome work. His help makes my work better. I would also like the thank all of you for taking the time to read my work and sharing both Davik's and Pathios' journey with me.


Posted at

I have to say I am surprised. I never thought that a story of mine would reach that number, but you readers have proven me wrong. First steps was a big thing for me, as it not only increased the amount of people reading and following me, but it also was a different form of writing. With Davik I just let thing naturally evolve in regards to how he spoke and reacted. A "I think he would do this" approach. With Pathios, I have come to write it as if I was the person reborn there. It has made me that much more attached to the character.

I am happy to say that soon I will break ground on the next book and look forward to sharing it with you all. Thank you again for your support and encouragement. It means a lot

Scene transitions

Posted at

Hello all,

It has be brought to my attention that the scene transitions are not as they should be. I will be going through the posts this weekend and adjusting them so it is easier to follow. I apologize for the confusion caused by the unmarked changes of focus.

I am pleased to say I am in the final chapters of book 4 and hope to be through them soon. Once that is done I am going to hop back onto Would You Like To Play Again. In the case of Pathios I may change my format slightly. I think in his case I will make it one continuous posting, but break up the chapters by book. That way it is all there and available to the reader.

I had been worried that doing a serial could be problematic if writers block occurs but I have found a few methods to bypass that over the last few years. I look forward to continuing his journey with you all together.

Thank you all for your kind words and messages, they have all been appreciated. I will endeavour to continue to work hard at my craft, so that I can give you stories that we all can be proud of.

For now, keep safe and thanks for reading.


Posted at

Hello and thank you everyone,

I never really expected to hit that number when is started and I am shocked that I have. I expected it to slow or even begin to decrease, due to my change in postings. I appreciate the kind words and support you all are giving me and I am working hard to continue to produce at the levels I can at present.

I am over 2/3 through Book 4 and hope to be done it soon. Once I am, I am hopping straight into book two for Pathios' story. For now it seems that it will have to stay to once a week. However, unlike before I do not seem to be stuck in writers block so I might change things up a bit.

I have a story or two still bouncing around in my brain and if I can manage it, i may be posting two stories at a time. We will have to see how things go and I will let you all know closer to the end of blood moon.

Book 4 will end Davik's quest for justice against the voguel. That does not mean I will not return to the world at a future date.

I do want to thank all those who still support me on Patreon. I know that times are tough on everyone right now and I have understood that many may end up not affording to continue their support. I still thank you for your contributions and i wanted you to know that it has helped me during this crisis. I hope all those who are following my work are keeping safe.

Have a great week and keep safe everyone.



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