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James Howlette: Blog


A good start

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Hello all,

I do hope that you are enjoying the next installment of Pathios' journey. I am working hard to make sure that this is an improvement over the last. I would like to thank those who have helped point out mistakes that have gotten past me and my editor. It is appreciated and I do try to fix them as soon as I can.

I am happy to see that interest in the story is growing and I appreciate the support you have given and shown. The changes in circumstances that caused a change in my posting was difficult for many, including myself and I have been truly grateful to those who have chosen to continue to stick by me.

I can only endeavour to try and put out the best stories I can and hope that my readers, new and old, will enjoy it.

Again thank you all and please be safe :)

Book 2 has begun

Posted at

Hello all,

I am happy to say book 2 is up and will pick up right where the last one ended. Given my hectic covid work schedule it will stay at once a week for now. Should that change I will make sure to announce it here. As always Patreon will be 3 chapters ahead. For those who follow me here I thank you for taking the time to read my stories. For those who take it a step further and subscribe to my patreon, thank you as every little bit helps in these trying times.

I hope everyone is keeping safe, and I look forward to this journey together.

Tomorrow it ends

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Hello all,

Tomorrow marks the end of Davik's journey. My writing started with him and that journey has helped the path to better writing and story telling. I know that I have a log way to go, but I thank everyone who has helped and supported me during this time.

I am happy to say that next Wednesday will mark the posting of my first chapter for the second book of the Would You Like To Play Again series. I look forward to that new journey with all of you.

Three more weeks

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Hello all,

I am pleased to say that the next installment in Pathios' journey will start posting November 18th. Of course chapter one will post on patreon tomorrow. I look forward to seeing how this story will unfold along side all of you. Thank you everyone for your continued support.

Endings and Beginnings

Posted at

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing well. I am happy to say that I have posted the final chapter on Patreon. I am happy to say that the blood moon chronicles are done. Starting next week that means the first chapter of book 2 for Pathios' story. chapter 33 will post here in three weeks and following that the first chapter will post here. I am excited to shar this story with you all and seeing where this story will go.

Thank you all for your words, support and even criticisms, they work to make me a better writer.

So keep safe and enjoy everyone.



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