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James Howlette: Blog



Posted at

Holy cow,

I can't believe how fast this has hit 100k downloads. Book 2 was started by the time the first hit that milestone. Along with this to have 676 followers is shocking. I want to thank everyone and promise to do my best to keep my work going far into the future. I have more stories for Pathios and some others that are popping around in my head. We will have to see, and I hope circumstances allow me to grow to have more time to write and make it less of just a current after work hobby.

Keep safe and enjoy



Posted at

Good evening all,

It seems that when I prepared chapter 27 for posting, I failed to save the adjustments. This resulted in missing letters as there were editing adjustments from Robin Pentecost that I needed to approve. The issue has been rectified and the chapter is being reposted in its proper format.

I do want to say that I am happy to see the interest this story is gaining as I am surprised it is already at 80k. Thank you all for sharing this journey and I will work hard to make it worth it.

Keep safe out there,


100k for book 1

Posted at

I just want to say wow. I never expected this when I wrote it, nor have I expected the interest in any of the other stories I have written. Thank you everyone. It fills me with joy and a little bit of pride to see this all happening and it is all thanks to you.

50k for book 2!

Posted at Updated:

Hello all,

I first want to say thank you to everyone giving their time to read my work. I still have a long way to go to be an even passable writer, but your input and interest keep me going.

I never expected this new chapter in the Saga of Pathios to read 50k in 17 chapters. It boggles my mind and humbles me greatly. On top of that, book one is slowly creating to the 100k mark which is almost too insane for me to fathom.

I simply started writing these stories as a way to share ideas that have come to mind and an outlet to both the light and dark sides of my imagination. The first book came out of a dream I had that I decided to make into a story. My mind did the rest and 4 books later Davik's tale was told.

Pathios is a gamer tag i have used for years and the premise was based off two anime I enjoyed. The skill system was more elder scrolls in how growth is calculated, though I have put my various d&d source books to use, primarily in the use of monsters within my story.

I have a few more stories bouncing around in my brain, with little time to focus on them. The delight and curse of being a working parent, though the contribution of some of my readers have made the difference during this hard year we have all had.

I will do my best to keep putting out good stories for you to enjoy and I hope we all enjoy this journey together. Thank you all for your support, encouragement and even criticism. All of it helps me grow and I really do appreciate it.

Have a good one and keep safe out there

Current progress

Posted at

Hello all,

I would like to thank everyone who has been taking the time to read my work. I am merely someone who has a writing itch that they need to scratch. I have always tried to have completed works before posting ever since the book two hiatus for the blood moon series. I did quite well until I had to change jobs and the new one ate more of my time and energy. Still I tried to maintain some consistency, posting at least every week.

I built up a bit of a lead, having a few weeks of chapters prepared and was slowly increasing it, until I got sick. Thankfully it wasn't covid, but it drained me to the point of not writing at all. I am of course happy to say it didn't affect my posting schedule and now that I am better I am slowly building the lead again.

I always welcome insight into mistakes that creep up that have been missed by me and Robin. I have had another editor offer their services and once I get a few more chapters ahead I will encorperate their help as well. I hope that it will increase the accuracy of my writing and hopefully make your experience better.

I am currently tracking the story to still be almost double of book 1. And have loved watching the narrative evolve. I have recently been delving into the various relms of 5e dnd and while the system i use is far more like skylines ability system, then your traditional D&D, I plan to use inspiration from the monster manual and even some home brew creatures that I have seen out there to fill my various floors.

Again the dungeon design and floor system is loosely based of the anime/light novel DanMachi (Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon) while the start off premise is reminiscent of Konosuba.

Once I get far enough ahead, I may revisit a story I had started a year ago which though will be minimal this time in sexual content, it will be just as rich in story. I am still debating on if it will come here or be a patreon exclusive but time will tell.

I do intend to keep going with Pathios until he maxes out his level so be ready for a long series. I hope you all continue to join me on this journey and welcome to all those who give it a chance.

Be safe and thanks again



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