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James Howlette: Blog


All fixed

Posted at

Hello all,

I am happy to say that everything is now fixed, thought it required uninstalling and reinstalling office to do so. Both posts have been completed, with the chapter for here posting as soon as the webmasters process it.

Thank you everyone who messaged me to help with the issue, it was very much appreciated.

Computer troubles

Posted at

Hello all,

When I went to schedule my posts for today's chapters, I found that my office programs had literally dissapeared. This prevented me from doing any last minute checks and editing before posting. I spent last night and this morning trying to fix the issue, however it was not solved by the time I had to go into work. I will try to get it posted today. Sorry to those who were looking forward to the next chapter.

Chapter 9 - Updated

Posted at Updated:

I have fixed the issue and have submitted it for re-posting. When I had done my prep edit for my other posting of it, the changes were not saved, so it was filled with adjustments to accept as well as comments left by Robin P.

I have since fixed that and am sorry for the mishap. Have a great day.


Posted at

Hello all.

I cannot believe that this has happened and I am both shocked and amazed. Before First Steps, I had 175 followers and figured if I hit 200 that would be amazing. When that happened I was ecstatic. Then it kept rising and with every 50 followers I felt the pride in my work grow. I never expected one story to have such a response and I intend to continue.

Given the response for chapter 25, I have taken what would have been chapter 1 of book 2 and tooled it for a proper ending. It will post tomorrow and wednesday will post chapter 1 of book 4 of blood moon.

Again thank you all

Book 2

Posted at

Hello all, I have been asked a few times now if there was going to be a continuation to first steps. The answer is yes, with book 2 continuing where the last one ended.

I am currently finishing book 4 of blood moon which will end the series, which will be followed by book 2. I am happy to say I an nearly half way through blood moon book 4 and the first chapter will be posted next wednesday.

This time I will be maintaining a two chapter difference between patreon and storiesonline. A new chapter will be posted each Wednesday until the story is finished at which time it will ramp back up to sundays and wednesday postings.

I apologize for the delay but I am finally back in a good rhythm since having to change jobs. It fluctuates with the needs of real life, but I don't intend to go anywhere.

Thank you all and please be safe out there.



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