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James Howlette: Blog


Heart felt thanks

Posted at

Hello all,

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has reach out with words of condolences and support. It has been a rough two weeks and your kind words have given me a moral boost when I needed it most.

Thank you everyone,


Sickness and Death

Posted at

Hello all,

I wanted to inform you that this week's posting will be delayed. I hope to have it posted tomorrow for Thursday morning, but I am not entirely certain. On May 7th I lost my father to a heart attack. I was able to just barely make my posting. Saturday he was put to rest, but it seems that I came into contact with someone carrying Covid. I tested positive this morning and have found my energy seriously lacking. I simply ask for some more time and I promise to do my best to get back on track.

Updates and changes

Posted at

Hello all,

I am happy to say I am feeling better and look forward to posting this Wednesday. Sorry for the delay, I hope that such an inconvenience will not happen again.

I have put 6 chapters up for reposting, to clarify issues with the White claw and other inconsistencies that you guy have found for me. I will work on the rest as soon as I can.

I will be also working to get Blood Moon book 1 up on bookapy, and in doing so will also be changing how my Patreon Tiers will work. I plan to list all my books at $5 and I will give thanks now to all that decide to support me by buying the books. Who knows maybe I will be able to create enough content in the coming years that will allow me to focus on writing full time.

That is the dream, but reality is always a different story. Thank you all for your patience, help, kind words and support. It has always meant a lot to me and I thank you.

Your friend,


No post this week

Posted at

I am sorry to say that I will not have a post for this week. I was sick all week and wasn't able to get to writing. I am sorry guys as I have worked hard over the last few years to always have a post ready. I hope to be back at it by next week.

Stay safe, James


Posted at

Hello all,

I am just hoping to clarify things, as recently i have gotten a message or two about things. I am happy to say that I am still plugging along at my writing. I am doing my best to keep things as steady and regular as possible, but the issue lies in RL. Right now writing is a hobby, though I plan to keep at it until one day I can just focus completely on writing. As such I can only put so much time each day into writing.

Due to the physical nature of my job, I tend to get home exhausted and since I have kids, I also have to devote a chunk of my time to them and my wife. I do plan on posting book 3 of the rebirth saga once this book is done and eventually another book of Hugh's adventures would be posted after that. I know that there are errors in the early chapters, however I am trying to focus on writing the new ones. If I manage to get extra time, I do plan on correcting the issues. I have saved all the messages that you have sent me for past inconsistencies and errors.

I do plan on posting bookapy versions of my books, starting with Into The Stars, then the rest. I am reworking the Jonta altercation a bit to adjust the circumstances a bit to make it less infuriating for potential readers while ensuring that some elements remain intact to limit the amount of rewrites needed.

I will then go through the rest of my stories and adjust them accordingly to make them more fluid and cohesive between the various books. I thank you for your support and your patience. It honestly means the world to me and I will always do my best to give you the best content I can. These last few years have been the best of my life because I am truly starting to feel like a real writer and that is all thanks to you.

Keep safe and thanks




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