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Variation on a Theme: Incorrect chapter posted, story not done

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I must have been tired when I submitted chapter 15 (October is a very sleep-deprived month for me) and hit the wrong button. It is definitely not the final chapter, nor did I even post the correct chapter. Sigh.

I've queued a repost, which should hit shortly. There will probably be a second update later today.

Thank you to everyone who notified me, and sorry for the panic!

Variation on a Theme: Weird blog post glitch

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Somehow my ‘minor cliffhanger’ blog is reposting itself. I am guessing a tab is somehow resending the post when something happens to awaken it.

I deleted the extraneous blog posts, but - if it happens again - that’s why. It’s some sort of strange glitch in the Matrix.

Variation on a Theme: Book 4 voting and comments

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With the previous three books, I've left comments off until ten chapters have posted. I believe that may become impossible in the future (or may be impossible now) - I haven't kept up to date with the changes, but I believe I saw some change in voting that would make that not work. Therefore, I think I'll have voting on from the start.

I have never used the comments feature. As much as anything, this is probably because I don't read stories on SoL myself, but rather save SoL stories to EPUB and read them offline. I'm not used to it and I don't know how well it works. I'm also leery of spoilers, but I think (?) the comments only show under the most recent chapter. Is that correct?

I'm curious as to what everyone's experience with comments is and whether or not it would be a popular thing to enable.

Thanks as always for reading! As a reminder, and for those who missed it, Book 4 will begin posting tomorrow on the same M/W/F schedule as Book 3.

Variation on a Theme: Book 3 ending, Book 4 starting

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Hello readers!

The final chapter of Book 3 (141) will post tomorrow. Book 3 is likely a bit too long. I'm still getting settled on what to leave in and what to leave out. I feel like there are improvements, but plenty of opportunities for further improvements.

Hopefully, some of those improvements will happen in Book 4. The beginning of the book is certainly not 'faster' in terms of chapters per day of time in the story, but that's because a lot is going on. We'll see how things go on an ongoing basis. My goal is for it to come in well short of Book 3, but that depends on just how much story there winds up being.

If you felt like Book 3 was (at least in places) rather quiet, my guess is that Book 4 will change that (not immediately, but quickly - it's not a long wait before something big happens, and then something else, and...).

Book 4 will begin posting immediately after Book 3, without a gap, on the same posting schedule.

As always, I welcome comments, thoughts, ideas, suggestions, corrections, or anything else. If you've got something to say, send me a note, please!

Thanks for reading! I hope you've enjoyed Book 3, and I think you'll enjoy Book 4 - perhaps (hopefully) even more. A lot of building blocks have been put into place in the first three books, and as the characters near graduation and legal adulthood, it's time to get a lot of things in motion that couldn't get there until now.

Plus, there's always the unknown - and there's a lot of unknown out there, even for someone who is (in theory) doing everything for the second time.

Variation on a Theme: Two minor changes

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Thanks to a few readers, I'm reposting two chapters. There's one minor correction: Fricke v Lynch was in Rhode Island (I managed to have it in two different incorrect states), and Janet and Lizzie will be attending Stanford. That should have been mentioned earlier in the story (and it probably will be updated later), but the new changes resolve that in the just-posted Chapter 135.

Six more chapters (aka two weeks) to go for Book 3. Book 4 is still targeted to post immediately after Book 3, assuming it doesn't get stuck in editing. I'm optimistic that it won't.

Thanks to all of you for reading!



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