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Hi everyone:
Somehow (almost certainly an error on my part somewhere) my Chapter 115 post included Chapter 105's text. It's been updated and the correct chapter is now posted.
Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for reading!
Chapter 110 had several 'who's in, who's out' glitches, now fixed. Chapter 109 had a minor glitch concerning which events Angie was competing in.
All are queued for repost now. None of them affect the story materially, but it'll help things read more correctly.
Thank you to several astute readers who pointed out one or more of these glitches. I appreciate it!
Hello everyone!
I completed the last bit of Book 3 last night. My laptop crashed at an unfortunate time and cost me an hour of recovery time, but all is well.
Book 3 is currently 142 chapters and 551,000 words or so. It's possible that the chapter count might change (chapters sometimes merge or split based on editing), and the word count will certainly change.
Looking 'behind the curtain', I just posted chapter 103. Chapters up to 108 are done. 109-120 are at some stage of editing, with my team of editors working on parts of them.
The remaining chapters are unedited so far. I'll edit them before my editors take a look.
Overall, that means we have 39 chapters to go, which puts the end of Book 3's posting in October if my calendar math is right.
I intend to go right into writing Book 4, and my plan remains to pick up immediately with posting Book 4 when Book 3 finishes.
Thanks to everyone! Expect some more fireworks of various sizes in Book 3, and more in Book 4. Many important things happen in Book 4, including (but definitely not limited to) many major characters turning eighteen).
The holiday tripped me up, so I forgot to post today's installment ahead of time. It's out now.
I'll have an update very soon as to Book 3's approximate final length. Spoiler alert: longer than I expected.
Hope you're enjoying it, and thanks for reading!
Hello VoaT readers!
If the subject didn't tip you off, there might be something semi-sort-of-somewhat-cliffhanger-y coming up shortly. It's not a really big bad cliffhanger (in my opinion), but more than usual. Apologies, but things do happen sometimes.
That ties into the second part of the subject. I get all sorts of comments from readers, from 'I can't wait to see what happens next!' to 'Nothing has happened for months!' My feeling remains the same: I'm writing the story the way I understand it. By the nature of the story, sometimes there won't be a lot of 'action,' yet (in my view) quite a bit is 'happening.' My biggest worry is forgetting one of the things that are happening and leaving a glaring hole in the story, because (from my perspective) there are a lot of them.
But, as I've said, my characters are talky and wordy and tend to dissect things and talk about them. That'll always be a focus. If it gets to be too much, though, by all means let me know.
There's a lot of things yet to happen in Book 3, notably including a bit of a left turn coming right up.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for writing to me. If you tried the story and decided it wasn't for you, thanks for giving it a try. Perhaps at some future point it'll grab you, and perhaps not.
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