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The Foreword and Chapter 1 of Book 5 are queued for posting tomorrow, 20 November 2023.
The initial posting schedule is Monday / Thursday. If you have preferences for other dates, please email or post in the Book 5 comments.
The long-term plan is to return to 3x/week once I have a sufficient buffer. That will be at least until the end of 2023. It might well be some distance into 2024. Right now I have enough that I'll be fine working with 2x/week, but more would be better even for 2x/week.
Thanks to all of my readers! And, if you're not one (and haven't tried and given up on it), give Book 1 a shot! While it's impossible to avoid the broadest of spoilers, I try to avoid them in book descriptions, so while it seems like not much has happened from the descriptions, that might not be entirely true :)
October and early November have been busier than I expected (perhaps I should've known better, but I've made it through this season on two earlier books).
New posting start date for Book 5 is November 20th.
Thanks for your patience!
Hello everyone (VoaT readers, potential future VoaT readers, and anyone else who'll take the time to read my blog)!
My current target date for the start of publishing Book 5 is Monday, November 6th. I'm having a very, very busy October (work, volunteering, storm damage, and other things) and am just not able to write at the pace I'd like to be able to write when publishing.
I've written a slightly longer note on this in the comment thread for VoaT Book 4, if you're interested. Otherwise, see you on the 6th, assuming nothing new gets in the way!
Hello everyone!
Those who are reading the comment thread for Book 4 (many, but by no means all, of the 'serialized' readers - the ones most likely to care about delays) know this, but for everyone else:
Based on feedback on the comment thread, I will be pausing the start of VoaT Book 5 for at least three weeks following the end of Book 4 on Friday.
Rest assured that I have no plans to shift projects before at least the late 1980s happen in VoaT (probably later). There are too many plot threads in progress that really can't pay off before then, and I don't want to shove them into an Epilogue or the like.
Never say never, but my plans are to carry the story forward. That said: as I said before, August was a rough month for productivity and I'm away from my house about as much as I'm home in September.
October can also be a rough month for productivity (I have a significant volunteer commitment in October), but I expect it'll be much better.
Mostly, this takes a lot of pressure off of early October, which is a good thing.
Major posting glitch with today's chapter. The chapter currently up as 88 is actually 89!
I've considered my options on this. I don't really have enough buffer for a bonus chapter, and I don't like leaving readers chapterless on Wednesday. There's little to nothing in the real chapter 88 that would cause issues reading 89.
Therefore, I'm going to shuffle the order of the two on Wednesday so that chapters are in the correct order under the correct name, and 88 will come out on Wednesday.
And hopefully I won't do this again!
Apologies to everyone for the confusion. As always, thank you for reading, and thank you for writing to me as well!
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