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Douglas Fox: Blog


Progress Update for Coming Home - Book 2

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Book 2 is progressing well. I have one scene to complete in the final chapter. Handyman is down to three chapters to edit for me and he has two of them in hand today. Once Handyman is done, I will go through and do my final edit and read-through before posting the story. I hope to begin posting in early spring (April-ish?).

You will have two options for reading my story when I begin posting. You will be able to read it for free on, two chapters a week until completion, roughly two months later. I am finally getting caught up with the times. The complete Book 2 will be available on Bookapy for purchase when I begin posting.

Coming Home – Book 1 is now available on Bookapy too, along with Lost and Found and Ripples in Time. Due to its size, Lost and Found has been broken up into four books, one for each of Kyle’s years in college. When spring arrives and the leaves and crops come up, I will take a bucolic Lancaster County countryside photo for the cover for Drive for Excellence and post that book on Bookapy too. My earlier works may come out on Bookapy too, but not until after I have completed the entire Coming Home Series.

I have written 91 pages of Coming Home-Book 3 to date. I expect it to be around 400-500 pages, so don’t expect to see this book published in 2022. The Coming Home series will be at least four books, possibly more. I am not certain if I want to follow Kyle, Penny, David, Jessie, Danny and Robbie the whole way to the 2036 Super Bowl victory. Time will tell.

Thanks again for everyone’s interest. Watch for Book 2 in the spring.

Doug Fox

Final Chapter of Coming Home, Book 1 is Posted

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It has been eight years since I started this story. I grew to love this concept. I hope you enjoy my tale as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I must thank HandyMan and bigfoot227 for their invaluable assistance with editing this story. The remaining errors that may have crept into the are entirely my fault.

My editors and I have begun the editing process for Coming Home, Book 2. The story is nearly complete, except for a couple minor scenes. I hope to have everything ready sometime in 2022.

There will be a lot more football in Book 2. Between Kyle's team, David's team and Danny's team, I have forty-some football games to cover in Book 2. More of the next generation of Life in Paradise offspring will join the cast of the story.

Thank you all for reading my tale.

Doug Fox

p.s. For those who remember I said there were nineteen chapters to this story a few blog post ago, I give my apologies. It seems I miss-numbered the chapters a few months ago and did not catch the error until I was halfway through posting.

Delay in posting

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Posting Chapter 15 will be delayed until Friday. I spent too much time dealing with the fix to Chapter 13. If you check this chapter today, you will find the encounter between Emma and Danny is missing. The revision I posted over the weekend was rejected as too sexual too, so I am starting from scratch while I figure out how to get my point across while staying within Lazeez's posting guidelines.

Please note, this is not a gripe about Lazeez's rules. It is his site and he gets to set the rules and I will abide by them. I just need more time to figure out how to put my story line with Danny and Emma into the story and stay within the guidelines.

Thank you for your patience. Chapter 15 will be posted on Friday.

Chapter 13 snafu

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Boy, did I blow it last night when I posted an old version of Chapter 13 that had not been edited. I have posted the correct chapter for your enjoyment.

I have been posting on StoriesOnLine for sixteen years. I have not read Lazeez's posting guidelines in ages. Apparently they have changed since I posted "Drive for Excellence" featuring a thirteen-year-old Andy losing his virginity and "Innocence Lost" with almost thirteen-year-old Hunter going all the way with a neighbor girl.

I redid the order of the scenes in Chapter 13 to something more logical: Danny and Emma Saturday afternoon, followed by Jessie and Matt Saturday evening and then David and Sara's first date. I toned down the happenings in Danny and Emma's encounter, hopefully bringing it into compliance with Lazeez's guidelines.

Chapter 10 formatting

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I fixed the formatting error in Chapter 10. Hopefully the correction will be posted shortly.

Doug Fox



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