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Douglas Fox: Blog


Coming to Nuremberg update

Posted at

I have posted updates to the Foreward, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. The changes are cosmetic, just changing the German words and phrases to English, to match the way I am posting the rest of the story. You do not need go back and re-read these chapters. Nothing of substance is different.

I have posted Chapter 4 and also turned on voting. Please let me know what you think of the story.

Chapter 5 will be posted next Tuesday evening.

Doug Fox

Coming to Nuremberg

Posted at

I tried an experiment with this story, mixing English and German together. The verdict on my experiment is in from my readers. I should stick to English in my stories.

I am posting Chapter 3 with most of the German replaced with the English equivalent. As I get time I will correct Chapters 1 and 2 to match the rest of the story.

I am keeping the military nomenclature, month names and date format in German. Otherwise the German phrases are going.

Thank you all for your comments. I expect to continue posting the chapters on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Doug Fox

Coming to Nuremberg

Posted at

Sigh! I worked hard on the research for this story but I missed some things. I re-posted the Glossary and Chapter 1.

Two of the corrections are minor. A German army captain is a Hauptmann. A Kapitän is a naval officer. The German translation for an American major is major.

The second correction is in the spelling of one of the towns near Leck. Hosum should be Husum.

The third correction is larger. Giselle is not a common 1930s German name for a girl. The name should be Gisela. I have corrected Chapters 1 & 2 to use the proper spelling for Dieter's love interest.

Chapter 3 will post on Tuesday, January 21st.

Doug Fox

New Story

Posted at

Wow, I didn't realize it has been this long since I posted anything in my blog. Sorry about that. I have been busy, even if I haven't been posting in quite a while.

I will post the first chapter of one of the stories that I have labored over, starting on Tuesday night. Here is the summary that will describe the story:

The story follows Dieter Pfeiffer and Giselle Fischer, two teens in 1938 Nazi Germany, as they attend the Nazi Party Rally in Nuremberg. The Hitlerjugend forces to two teens together prematurely. This story follows as the two have a baby, fall in love, survive the chaos of a world war and then marry.

The story contains a considerable amount of German words and phrases. I provide in-line translations for most of the phrases in the story. I also have a Glossary to help further. I wanted the story to feel like it was told by a German youth, rather than writing it as an American teen of today, masquerading as the WW2 German teen.

The story took me around 3 months to write and another 18 months to edit. Microsoft Word gave up trying to "correct" this document, as every German word or phrase constituted an error. With an assist from SpikeCO in the early going, I think I have the story ready for readers.

I spent considerable time researching life in 1930s Germany, the Hitlerjugend and battles and campaigns of World War II that I placed Dieter into. The battles and units I write about are as accurate as I could make them.

The first chapter will post on Tuesday evening (EST). The remaining eight chapters will post on Tuesdays and Thursdays until the story is complete. I hope you read and enjoy this tale.

I have around ten stories finished, but have not been able to find a suitable editor to help check and correct these stories. I will post them as soon as I can get them in suitable shape for posting.

My long delayed 'Will You be our Mommy' is nearing completion. I have about eight weeks of story time (a couple chapters) left to write. I hope to begin posting this large story sometime later this year.

Doug Fox



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