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Douglas Fox: Blog


Pro Bowl Roster Correction

Posted at

Boy, that was a bone headed goof. Delanie Walker is playing in Rob Gronkowski's place at the Pro Bowl. Of course, Gronkowski is preparing the 2017 Super Bowl and is not in Hawaii. I have put the correction in the posting que.

There are two more chapters to go after this one. I want to thank everyone for their support. I hope you will all enjoy the remainder of the story as it is posted next week.

Doug Fox

Will You Be Our Mommy? Update

Posted at Updated:

I want to thank everyone for their kind comments over the past two weeks. I have turned on voting, now that you can see where I am going with the story.

I will continue to post on Tuesdays and Fridays. Thank you for your support.

Doug Fox

Will You be our Mommy?

Posted at

I have started posting my new story. I plan to post on Tuesdays and Fridays. The story has twenty-one chapters. I hope you enjoy Andrew's tale.

I have voting turned off for now. I will turn it on in a couple weeks, when you can see where I am going with the story.

Doug Fox

Will You Be My Mommy Update #2

Posted at

I finished the first draft of the story today. The story checks in at 197,00 words and 496 pages. I am up to Chapter 13 with the editing. I expect to finish editing and do the final proofread of the early chapters in the next two weeks.

Posting will begin on July 7th. I plan to post new chapters on Tuesdays and Fridays.

I hope everyone enjoys it once I begin posting.

Doug Fox

Will You Be My Mommy? Update

Posted at

"Will You Be My Mommy?" is the story of Andy Martin, Kyle's younger brother's long quest to find a wife and mother for this twin sons. I have been working on this story for over eight years. It has a long and troubled history.

I originally saw this as a story featuring of Andy being drafted by the Rams and developing into a top quality receiver in the the NFL with Sam Bradford and Coach Jeff Fisher. So much for my crystal ball back in 2010-11. Sam got traded for Nick Foles. I rewrote it featuring Nick instead. I had high confidence Nick would do well in St. Louis, making my story more plausible.

Strike two… and then the owner decided to move the team to LA. I rewrote it, to move Andy and the team west. Things didn't work out so well with Nick. Or for Jeff Fisher. The next surprise, after I rewrote the story with the team's training center in the general area of their new stadium. The Rams decided to train in Thousand Oaks, nearly an hour away from the new stadium.

I put the story on hold at that point in time and went to work on another story, "Coming Home." This story follows Kyle Martin and his family when he takes the head coaching job in Philly and works to resurrect the Eagles. I spent over a year working on that story. You won't see it for awhile, though I have over 550 pages written so far.

Once the Rams situation stabilized, I started my fifth rewrite, settling on a fictional coaching staff, a fictional quarterback and mostly fictional players to work with Andy. I did keep Chris Long as one of the team's leaders. About six months ago I got stuck on one scene near the end of the story. Writer's block persisted. I would occassionally write a paragraph, only to scrap it a few weeks later.

The creative process still surprises me after sixteen years of writing. Why did I wake Friday morning and fly through a scene that stumped for so long? I have no idea. But it did. I have been tearing through the final scenes in the story over the last few days. I expect to finish the story in the next week.

I will begin editing once the first draft is completed. Keep checking my blog and Storiesonline. I expect to begin posting the story later in July or August. I have 466 pages done today and expect the final version to run 480-490 pages, not a short story. I hope everyone continues read and enjoy my work. I think you will enjoy this story about Andy, Noah and Connor.

Doug Fox



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