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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Douglas Fox: Blog



Posted at

There are three more chapters to go on Book 2. I hope everyone is enjoying it.

I posted my old story "Drive for Excellence" on I finished editing it last winter and had to wait for the season to change for the book cover photo I wanted. I finally got a Saturday with good weather and leaves out on the trees.

I have been writing for almost eighteen years and still the creative process can surprise me. I received inspiration for another short story a few days ago. It will be called "Elam and Lydia-An Amish Love Story."

Do any of you readers speak Pennsylvania-Deutsch? I would like someone conversant to check the on-line dictionary and translation apps. Also, I could use someone to check and make sure I have the traditions described correctly in my story. Anyone willing to check my work should contact me. I would appreciate the help.

Meantime, enjoy the remainder of Coming Home-Book 2

What happened to Coming Home-Book 2?

Posted at

Boy did I blow it. Somehow I managed to title my new story "Lost and Found-Book 2" instead of calling it "Coming Home-Book 2" as intended. Go ahead and read it. It is the correct story.

I am seeking Lazeez's help to correct my error. I am not able to fix it myself. I will post the promised epub later tonight. I am having issues with the cover size and cannot complete the upload until this evening after work.

I will turn voting on for the story once I have a few chapters posted.

Thanks for your patience.

Doug Fox

Coming Home - Book 2 Update

Posted at

Everything is on schedule for the first chapter of Book 2 to post on Friday, April 8th. I will be posting the story chapter by chapter on Tuesdays and Fridays until the fifteen chapters are posted. You may purchase the complete story on if you are too impatient to wait for the free version.

After seventeen years of writing and posting, you would think I was used to the editing process by now. Normally I write a scene and reread it, correcting errors as I go. I do a second read of a chapter before I send it to Handyman for his edits.

I take Handyman's edited chapter and print it out. I reread the paper copy, accepting or rejecting his suggestions, while also correcting anything I find when I read it.

I finished this process a week ago for Book 2. I converted the Word document into an epub. Since I had some spare time before my planned start of posting, I decided to thoroughly check the epub to avoid problems like I had with Book 1 and the four Lost and Found epubs.

I am amazed that I found another thirty-some errors missed in the previous four readings of the text when I read through the epub version of the story. Will I ever get everything cleaned up in one of my stories? I fear not.

Please feel free to email me and report any errors, typos or corrections in the story when I begin posting it. I am grateful for any and all help.

Doug Fox

Coming Home-Book 2 Update

Posted at

My editor, HandyMan, has completed his review of Book 2. I have five more chapters to review before I am done with the story. When that is done, I will prepare an epub document of the story.

I plan to begin posting on April 8th. I will post a chapter on Tuesdays and Fridays until the story is complete. You will be able to purchase the complete story from on April 8th, if you are unwilling to wait for the free version of the story.

Do not expect Book 3 anytime this year. I am working on it but I have roughly 62,000 words of a story that will be 150,000 to 200,000 words.

I hope you enjoy what I have written.

Doug Fox

Bookapy Update

Posted at

One of my readers pointed out two weeks ago that my Lost and Found epub books on were riddled with errors. I mistakenly assumed the on-line service I used could handle the simple part of converting my MS Word text into an epub. I was quite wrong.

After trying a couple different programs to do the conversion, I believe I found one that accurately translates what I wrote into a proper epub.

If you purchased one of the copies already, first thank you for your purchase. Second, you can download the updated copy from Select the book again from the list. The site should recognize that you already purchased the book and allow you to download it again. I have uploaded the revised epubs. I am not certain when Lazeez will update the Kindle and PDF versions.

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience. Please email me if you have any problems with the download.

Doug Fox



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