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Douglas Fox: Blog


Coming Home-Book 3 Bookapy ePub

Posted at

First, I want to thank all of you who purchased the eBook on Bookapy. Check back. I have updated the version to incorporate fixes for the typos readers have warned me about as the chapters are posted on SOL.

I also made to very minor changes to the book. In Chapter 19, I added a short scene where Ed Fritz and Jeremy North tease Kyle when he returns home from Philmont.

I added to some interaction between Danny Martin and Alex Conwell when Avon Grove plays Unionville in Chapter 22. Both changes were meant to be in the book originally but got missed somehow.

You can get the updated version of the ePub by going to Bookapy and clicking on the Bookshelf link. This will show you a page of all your purchases you have made and allow you to download the update.

Doug Fox

Coming Home - Book 3 on Bookapy

Posted at

The full version of Coming Home - Book 3 is now available on Bookapy. I will continue to post free chapters on Tuesdays and Fridays until all twenty-two chapters are posted, sometime in March.

Doug Fox

Help for Coming Home - Book 4

Posted at

I am currently preparing for Book 4. One of the things on tap for my story will be the Eagles flying over to Munich to play the Bengals on October 1, 2032 at Allianz Stadium.

I am looking for help from any of my German readers. I know the NFL organizes a youth flag football tournament before the game. Are their other events, activities or festivals that happen in that time frame? Oktoberfest perhaps?? I also would love suggestions for places for the team to stay. The hotel will need to house at least 100-120 persons for most of a week. I plan to have the team prepare at FC Bayern Zentrum training facility.

Send me an email if you are willing to help. I will send you some of my questions and would love the hear suggestions about how to feature Munich in my story.

Doug Fox

Coming Home - Book 3 Begins

Posted at

The latest installment of my ongoing Coming Home series has been submitted for posting. Book 3 has twenty-two chapters and roughly 215,000 words to it. I will post two chapters a week on Tuesdays and Fridays until the entire story is posted.

I am finishing incorporating Persecutor's recommended corrections into my master text now. I hope to have an eBook version of Book 3 ready to post in a couple weeks.

I hope everyone enjoys my continuing story of Kyle & Penny Martin and their family. I also wish everyone one a happy new year.

Douglas Fox

Coming Home Book 3 Update

Posted at

I finished the first draft of the book last week. I sent the final three chapters off to my editor. He reviewed them and returned them promptly. I am working through his edits, incorporating his suggestions into my final draft.

I will post Chapter 1 of Coming Home - Book 3 on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. I will post chapters on Tuesdays and Fridays until I have all twenty-two chapters posted. I will post the complete ebook on Bookapy late in January when I get it prepared.

I thank everyone for your patience with me. I hope you enjoy this story.

Doug Fox



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