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DeYaKen: Blog


Over here

Posted at

Hi folks, I have just posted a new story that has already been posted elsewhere. You get the advantage of reading the edited version where a glaring mistake has been removed. Having made a US serviceman the villain of the piece, I don't expect a decent score but I hope some enjoy it.

Re Hostage to Fortune Posting Error

Posted at

There seems to have been a problem in posting. A number of readers have told me that Chapters 2 and three are the same. I have checked and if you are reading online they are definitely different now so I suggest that you download it again.

Sorry about that.

New Story Hostage to Fortune

Posted at

I've just uploaded the first Chapter of Hostage to Fortune. More chapters will be added as soon as chapter 1 clears the posting queue.

The Driver : An apology

Posted at

I sorry for all of the first to third person switching in chapters one and two of the story. I won't bore you with how this happened, But I hope it didn't spoil the story for you. I have now loaded a corrected version so if you download it again it should be more or less correct.

A big thank you to all those people who purchased books.

Deyaken returns with The Driver

Posted at

I haven't been active here for a while. I've been busy trying to earn a few bob. While I wait for my Editor's response to my latest offering I blew the dust off something I wrote some time ago. It won't be everyone's cup of tea but I hope you enjoy it.



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