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DeYaKen: Blog


Still looking for an editor

Posted at

My latest submission, The Restraining Order, was submitted without anyone but me reading it. It suffered because of that, and the story was not as good as my readers deserve. Every time I find an editor to replace the beloved Juicystarchild, they go down with a dose of Real Life problems. Perhaps this is payback for preferring female editors.

The problem is I have no one who will give me a female viewpoint. My wife thinks using the word pussy, in a sexual context, is disgusting. No help there then. If any of you ladies out there fancy helping out a struggling storyteller, please get in touch.

Iain Banks Not long for this world

Posted at

Such sad news. Iain Banks has terminal cancer and is not expected to last more than a year.

With typical Banks humour he has asked his partner to become his widow.

It will be a sad day for us all to lose such a fine writer.

The Restraining order

Posted at Updated:

I have a new offering for you, hopefully exploring an idea not usually seen here. I'm not sure how good or bad it is. Hopefully you'll tell me.

This is the first time I've written a story from the woman's point of view. I've tried to represent the different ways the male and female minds would deal with such a problem. Only you, dear reader, can tell me if I've been successful.

I apologise in advance for all grammatical mistakes. My editor is sick so I've just had to do the best I can.

Thank you

Posted at

Thank you all for your feedback on my stories Even those that didn't like them. I have been told that I am a too soft on wrong doers and being British I am too civilised.

When i write about relationships I try to think about how it would really pan out rather than any contrived revenge plot.

Thank you once again, Your comments are the only reward I seek

New Beginnings

Posted at

Sorry this story has taken so long. It took some time to find someone to edit it. There isn't a lot of sex in it. The story seemed to unfold and work without it.

I hope you feel the same way as I do. Adding something just for the sake of it diminishes the story.

I welcome your comments as always.



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