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DeYaKen: Blog


Sorry for the delay

Posted at

This is an apology to all those who were waiting for a sequel to "He reminds me of my husband" Although it was originally written as a stand alone story, I did promise a follow up.
I have started it but I keep getting side tracked when other things pop into my head. I'm currently working on another project. As soon as that is finished, I will return to the sequel.

Thank you for your patience.

Thank You All

Posted at

My sincere thanks to all of you who commented on, or voted on my most recent story. "Waiting for the Exeter Express"

I'm flattered by the comment and the histogram of the voting is very encouraging. It is likely to be a while before the next story. I don't have anything nearing completion at the moment.

To tell or not to tell, that is the Question

Posted at

I've recently been looking back at some of my comments on What Are Friends For? and find a large number saying that Greg was no friend to Eric, because he didn't tell him that his wife had given another man a blow job and came within an ace of being violated.

This begs the question what does a real friend do? Put yourself in the position. You know that your friend's spouse has cheated on them. The affair is over,and you've been told it will never happen again. You can see the offending party working hard at the relationship and the couple are happy.

Do you
A: say nothing but keep an eye on things?
B: tell the guilty party that you know and that if anything like that happens again you will spill the beans?
C: tell your friend that their spouse has been unfaithful and let them decide how to proceed.

I know that a friend of mine has been unfaithful. They had been going through a rough time but since the affair ended they are getting it back together and are happy. Do I have the right to change that? I ask myself what is to be served by telling the other partner what happened? They have children whom they both adore.

She chose me

Posted at Updated:

OK,The new story is up It's not going to do as well as some because the main character is too soft some would say. It explores the idea of what a person does when the love of their life dies and then they find out that he she wasn't the person they thought she was.

What's left? Has everything you thought you had been a lie? Do you just let go of everything and start again or do you fight to hold on to what you have?

There is no sex in the story and it's quite short. Do let me know what you think.

A Sequel

Posted at

Many people wanted to know what happened to Paul and Maria. To tell the truth the characters have rarely been out of my head since I finished the story (He reminds me of my husband) so yes I'm going to write a sequel. It won't be the next story, that's now awaiting editing.

If you are one of the people that wanted a sequel, please be patient it is coming.



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