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Chapter 14 is here-reposted to make some minor corrections. Chapter 15 is in the works, and chapters 16-17 will see a major thrust forward in the storyline. Introduced a major new character, I hope you all like her. :D She's integral to the tale spewing out from this warped and damaged brain of mine.
For the fans of my other story, Curiosity, I promise that I will be getting back to it fairly soon. I have not abandoned David, Amber, or CC as they are near and dear to my heart. Malachar has sunk his claws into me and demanded that I write tens of thousands of words for him first. He's a cruel, querulous, and cantankerous taskmaster if he doesn't get his way. So I'm merely appeasing him so that I can enjoy uninterrupted sleep at night.
Hi to all of my readers! I wanted to let you know two things: One-I greatly appreciate the tremendous feedback that I have received in regards to the story and especially, in particular, the last chapter. Two-that the next installment is completed, and other than final editing, it is ready to be posted and will go into the queue early Monday. Have a great day, and many thanks again. I sincerely hope that you all enjoy what comes.
P.S. Curiosity Killed the Cat will continue after I bang out a couple more chapters of Malachr's Curse.
Hi, to all of my readers!
I posted chapter 12 of Malachar's curse, and it had a few small errors; the corrections have been made. It is currently sitting in queue and should show up first thing in the morning. Hope you all enjoy!
Happy belated New Year! I have returned after having come out of retirement to paint two houses for my Uncle and his neighbor. I managed to get a little writing done but generally was too tired to get any coherent thoughts down. I finished a week ago and eagerly started typing out words again. Besides just having posted chapter 38, I have the next chapter in Curiosity started and fleshed out too, and chapter 12 of Malachar's curse has been started as well. I look forward to having a productive year of writing, and I can only hope that when this year is done, that in hindsight, my vision was 20/20.
After what was intended to be one large chapter ended up morphing into three-30,259 words later, and chapters 10-11 are finally posted. I regret posting chapter nine when I did now, as I feel that it would have been better served to have posted 9 to11 together, but live and learn. I hope you all enjoy the fruits of my hard labor. (Truthfully, it's a labor of love!)
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