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Dark_Desires: Blog


What's been going on with me.

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Hi everyone,

It's been a while; unfortunately, I came down with the coronavirus, and it hasn't been any fun. I was diagnosed almost exactly three weeks ago, but I had been feeling it build-up for at least five or six days before seeking medical attention. Thankfully I am in no danger of dying (or so they assure me :D), but it has been hellish dealing with this.

It is so goddamn weird! I have been sick with various colds and flu's (not influenzas) over the years and have never experienced anything like this. It is most bizarre. Sometimes it seems as if it's about to leave, and then wham, it comes back hard again. I have never had a sickness last this long, it's nuts.

I had an extremely hard time concentrating on anything for more than a few minutes at a time, which was exceedingly frustrating. I have managed to write chapter 18 and most of chapter 19 for Malachar's Curse, but I still need to complete a scene and then edit both. I am still recovering, so while I hope to get them posted within a couple of days, I can't make any promises other than I am doing my best. I thought I had almost recovered a week ago, and then it swamped me all over again.

I sincerely wish for good health for all of you and your loved ones.


Chapter 17 of Malachar's Curse

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Hi! Chapter 17 of Malachar's Curse is finally in queue. It was a real struggle writing these past few weeks, not because of the storyline or plot, nor because I didn't have the ideas that I wanted to convey in my head, but simply because I felt so listless and drained. (Just for inquiring minds, I have the basic plot and key points mapped out for the three books the series will take to be completed.) For whatever reason, it was extremely hard for me to concentrate on much of anything for longer than a few minutes at a time.

It was super frustrating to write a couple of sentences or a paragraph and then lose interest, turning my mind to blandly stare at mind-numbing television instead. I simply couldn't force myself to write more than a tiny bit at a time, usually words blister across the page as my two fingers pound away.

I don't know if it was because I was fighting off a sickness or due to the migraines that I get around this time of the year, but even on non-headache days, I was severely lacking energy and feeling depressed. Don't worry, I'm not, nor ever will I be suicidal, just in case that thought flitted through anyone's mind. I have way too much to live for. :D Just had been feeling down, which was probably a combination of things. Including having segregated myself away due to Covid-19.

I have a father who is at extremely high risk, he has heart failure, COPD, and diabetes. I usually take care of him, but I have been keeping away for fourteen days at a time after excursions spent getting needed supplies. Thankfully my mother is healthy as a horse (besides having osteoporosis) and has been able to make do with deliveries.

I sincerely hope that everyone who reads this is being safe and has avoided contagion. I'm not sure what to expect; one moment I read an article claiming just how dire it will get, and then another says it won't get much worse. Conflicting reports are annoying, so I'm erring on the side of caution.

Back to the tale that I'm weaving here on SOL. On a good note, I have about a fifth of the next chapter completed. I have a habit of sometimes writing a scene in advance of where I'm actually at in the story. So it leapfrogs upon my page(s). I'm feeling better the past two days and was able to pour hours into completing and editing what is now waiting upon our fabulous and underappreciated site host to post.

I humbly hope that you enjoy my latest offering as Jake and his entourage continue to forge ahead in the quest to find the rings needed for their very survival.




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Hi to all of my readers! I just wanted to give a quick shout to everyone who is waiting anxiously for the latest chapter in Malachar's Curse. It's coming soon, I was under the weather (not Covid-19 as far as I know) with both a cold and severe migraines. I suffer from them whenever the weather changes drastically (barometer pressure change messes with me), so Winter to Spring, Summer to Fall is always rough. I am back to banging away at the keys, sure beats the banging that was in my head. I hope everyone is staying as healthy as they can.


Malachar's curse chapter 16 Love is an Illusionist

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A big fat chapter is now in queue. I hope that you all enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks once again for the overwhelming support you have given me-it is fuel for the energy that I spend banging away two-fingered on my keyboard.


Malachar's Curse chapter 15 in Queue

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Hi to all of my readers. Chapter 15 of Malachar's Curse is now in the queue, and I am happily plugging away on chapter 16. I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks again for all of the fantastic feedback and encouragement, it makes me want to write until my fingers get numb to the bone.





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