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Dark_Desires: Blog


Chapter 46-Breakthrough reposted

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While reading the chapter I just posted (as I always do, since I like to get a feel for how it reads on the web), I realized that I posted the final rough draft and not the polished version that should have been there. While there's isn't that much difference, there is more text and some obvious corrections. The correct version is in the queue. Sorry for anyone who now feels they need to read it twice.



New chapter for Curiosity

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Hello to my readers. It's been a while. Too long, in fact. I've been working hard these past few months. I needed to go back to work to pay the bills. I apologize for going radio silent, though. I should've posted a message here even if I was supremely busy. Chapter 45 of Curiosity Killed the Cat—Nuthouse is in the Queue. Chapter 46 is underway. Five more until book one is ended. Thanks for having patience.


Chapter 44 of Curiosity Killed the Cat is in Queue

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Six more chapters to end out book one of my tale of sibling love. For all of you who have read and followed my story with interest, I thank you.

I have so much I would like to write but always wish for more time in which to do it. I am eager to not only finish book one of Curiosity but to get back to Malachar's Curse. I have a multitude of other stories that are lurking in my head as well. Although I promise not to start any long stories before finishing the two I have going on now. Writing two at once was a mistake, even though I love the both of them. I sincerely hope that you like my latest offering.



Chapter 42 of Curiosity Killed the Cat is in Queue

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Hi guys. Again I apologize for the length between posts. I keep thinking that I will have a bunch of free time, and then I get another job offer that is too lucrative to turn down. (I paint houses) I wrote as often as I could muster up the energy for it, and my latest job is finished without any others on the horizon. (Unless one falls out of the sky again) It's like Don Corleone; they keep pulling me back in!

Anyways, I am almost finished creating a SubscribeStar account for those who would be interested in supporting me writing full time. So I should have some info on that soon. Either way, please enjoy chapter 42: Trepidation. I am already started on the next one, which will be titled-Contact. For my Malachar's Curse fans, Please have patience. I regret starting another story when I hadn't finished my first one, and I would like to correct that. I estimate that Curiosity (book one) will run another eight chapters closing the book at fifty. After which, I will be concentrating on finishing book one of the Curse series.

Thanks to all my readers who have stuck by me and offered words of encouragement. It means more than you know.



Curiosity chapter 41 Catastrophe

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Hello all, it's been a while. Life happens as they say, and it has been happening to me for the past couple of months. I have been swamped with work and have not had much time to write. Thankfully, one of my jobs is completed, and I should have much more free time starting next week. I am contemplating giving writing a go full time. I truly miss it, and it has bothered me not having the time or the energy to do so lately. I know that many of you have been asking when the next chapters for both Curiosity and Malachar's Curse would be coming out. Well, some good news is that chapter 41 of Curiosity Killed the Cat is now in queue. The bad news is that I don't have much written beyond that. I have some of chapter 29 (Finders Keepers) started for Malachar's Curse, but it is not even close to being completed. I'll definitely be writing more soon. Please have patience, my friends.




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