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Dark_Desires: Blog


Malachar's Curse

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Hello to all of my readers! The proper polished version of chapter one is now posted and available. I apologize for the error-filled semi-polished version that inadvertently got posted last night. I tried to beat the clock, and I should have just waited until today. For those of you who like rereading things, this is (hopefully) a slightly smoother read and error-free.



Posted first chapter of a new story.

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I had a story floating around in my head for a long time now, yesterday it decided to force itself on to the page, and it wouldn't leave me alone until I agreed to start writing it down. I will still be writing constantly for my other story, Curiosity Killed the Cat, and as of right now, I almost have the next chapter ready to go. Fans of that story have no fear, it will remain my priority, and this new story will get chapters as demanded from the story itself as it periodically forces itself, once again, upon the page.


P.S. There are some minor errors in the first chapter, and the fixes are already waiting to be posted first thing in the morning. In my haste to beat the clock and get it out tonight, I, unfortunately, posted my semi-polished draft, which was one step from the final.

Awesome feedback and a new chapter is posted.

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I just wanted to express my thanks for all of the wonderful feedback that I have received regarding my rewrite. I am thrilled that many of you think so highly of my story so far, and the encouragement I have received is very motivating. Rest assured that this story will continue even though I realize that it went without anything new being posted for a couple of months. I posted a new chapter today, and I am diligently in the process of writing the next three.


Im back and I rewrote all of my chapters

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Hello to my readers!

I was away at my cottage, in the far north, for the past two months. There is no cell phone nor internet coverage up where that is. I didn't intend to stay that long, but the peacefulness of it all seduced me into chilling out for far longer then I had planned for. While I was there, I rewrote all 33 chapters that I had written for my story thus far. I had purchased a couple of creative writing books in the interest of becoming a better writer, and I learned some of the basics. As I've pointed out before, this is my first sojourn into the wonderful field of Authorship.

When I went back to reread my work, I found thousands of punctuation and grammatical errors. I had many run-on sentences and sometimes even very confusing sentences. Sentences that would necessitate someone needing to reread a particular paragraph to make sense of what I was trying to say. I cleaned those up and tried to make the story flow in a more pleasing way. I added scene breaks as well because, to be honest, I didn't know how to insert them until just recently.

Almost every chapter had some added text as well. Nothing plot changing, so it is not necessary to read it again if you are disinclined. I would recommend it though because I think that the corrections I made are significant enough to allow for a more enjoyable read.

Rest assured that I am currently writing out the next few chapters and the corrected ones are being posted as fast as the site allows. I hope that my current readers continue to enjoy my story and that whoever decides to reread it from the beginning has an enjoyable time doing so. To any new readers, I hope you enjoy my efforts as well.


Sorry for the long wait between chapters

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It's been a while between postings but it couldn't be helped. The wife of my friend who had just passed recently needed my help. I have plenty of time on my hands so I traveled back to my home town and stayed there for a few weeks to help out. Their kids are having a hard time adjusting, it's heart-breaking. Anyway, I'm back, again. Hope you enjoy the latest installation of my story.




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