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Charlie for now: Blog


I apologize, really.

Posted at

My very own personal shit storm. Did not mean for that to happen! I am truly sorry if I have upset anyone. OK, I am truly sorry I upset someone.

I have received confirmations and denials. Both of my fears have been both substantiated and pishawed.

Racism is alive and well in America and I am a lousy author. It's not racism, and the story is readable.

No, I'm not reaching out for compliments. The scores on my first outing here at SOL gave me enough warm fuzzies to last all year. It took a couple of degenerate transphobes to knock it down into realistic territory, actually.

From this recent and unfortunate rant, however, I received alot of criticism. The good kind. As in critiques of my work. I appreciate those, by the way. I also got critiques of my rant. Deserved!

My country received a lot of criticism. The bad kind. As in we're a largely racist population. That sucks. I thought we were getting beyond that.

Voters received some criticism, too. Especially the ones that didn't vote for her. The vitriol was rampant.

I, can tell you, though, that I am not a racist. Some of my best characters are of color. You just haven't met them yet. Becci and Angela will knock your socks off, if your not wearing sandals over them. So will Melissa, (different stories) although I must admit I've been working with them for many months and they are of mixed heritage. Jenny was a flash write over two days last week and is not, obviously.

Please, no need to respond. I had my ten seconds of rant, and am not fishing for compliments or trying to start a fight. Thank you to those that responded, either way, although a few of you made my weekend a little brighter. God knows we needed it. Weather been suckin'.

Ya'll have a good day. Sorry for the dust up.

Charlie, for now

Is it my imagination, or...

Posted at

Unless I have become a terrible writer, and my few spelling tics have finally caught up with me, pissing off my intended audience, I may have accidentally proven that racism and prejudice are alive and well in modern America. I introduced a little black cheerleader and a joke about a purple sheet into a story, and garnered 3 fives and 2 threes in the voting process. Maybe it's my imagination. I hope it is, because Jenny is a sweet girl.

And, maybe I'm too thin skinned and it's all about something else. We'll just have to wait and see



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