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Charlie for now: Blog


The Upgrade - Redux

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Pixel the Cat, amazing person and editor that he is, went through my story The Upgrade with a red pen, sending it back bloody, (As he always does) but a much easier to read fairy tale, complete with mentions of frogs. It now looks to be written in a form of the English language and not my chicken scratch. I have re posted it, in its entirety. Partake if you wish.

Thanks go to Pixel the Cat, and those who read my work.

Repost of Colin & Colleen AND Francie Thanks the Hate Bomber

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Pixel the Cat, Editor Extraordinaire, has been very generous with his time and talent, helping me make Colin and Colleen more readable, if you should choose to give it a look see.

Also, thank you to the Hate Bomber that selected the missing ONE rating vote we were waiting for on Fancy Francie. That fills the hate quota. Without you, the spot would have gone unused. Thanks again.

Thank you all, almost, for your support!

Fancy Francie is posted.

Posted at

I have Fancy Francie posted and it will be coming pretty quickly. Allow me a couple/few days in between chapters. I see the trolls have come out to remind me that fairy tales have trolls, too. A bomber hit before the bits were dry.

Sure wish you guys (bomber trolls) would remember you mother telling you, "if you can't say something nice, keep your effing trap shut!" Oh, that was my mother. Sorry.

Anyway, I loved writing it and hope you enjoy. Thanks again for reading and allowing me to vent.

Ciao, per ora, amici !!

New story up and another posted in the wings

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I posted Advantage, Michelle, a bit ago. Just a short romp through the fields of love and fantasy. A few readers, or one mean person with four accounts, more likely, decided to show their displeasure with it, but what the heck. It's just a story, right? It's obvious the kind of people that give a story a 1 or a 2, when 7s to 10s prevail. Just sayin'.

I have it on good authority that I might should try to write a more normal story, one with a girl and a boy, both born that way. Well, lucky me, as I'm working on a couple stories like that, and have been for a while.

More coming Friday, as yet another Charlie finds love and fun in the wide wonderful world. Or, should I say, "love finds him". You meanies out there get the left side top row of your keyboard ready now. It might just be one of those weird stories you don't like. Better yet, look at the tags or the description and don't bother opening it. We'd both feel better about you.

Thanks again to Pixel the Cat for his help deciphering my scratches into somewhat readable form. Remaining errors are absolutely my own.

As always, thanks to all for reading and listening and allowing me space to write and to vent.

Charlie, for now.

Thankful for the editing assistance

Posted at

A new version of The Tip was posted, after being edited by one of the more well known editors here. He is known by and editing for many very popular authors on SOL. He's amazing. I had no idea. Well, I guess I did, but still.

In any case, thank you, for your input and help. He only went through it once, and I don't want use his name without his permission, so I'll wait on that. This being a holiday (Happy Independence Day, y'all) I doubt that will happen today, but if he see's this he'll understand. I'll be out with family all day, so I'll catch up with him later.

I was wrong when I thought I could do this myself, and now that I have help, adult supervision, if you will, I hope to provide a more readable story each time. We'll see. An editor can only do so much. You can't build a castle out of sticks and twigs.

Again, Happy Independence Day to all. Stay safe, drive careful, don't lose any fingers to the notorious Black Cat, and watch for crazies.



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