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Charlie for now: Blog


Feliz Navidad - Prospero Año y Felicidad (MC-HNY)

Posted at

I'm joining the rest of the gang in wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my readers, as well as to anyone else that sees this message.

Be safe, be healthy, and be happy, or like some of us, die trying. :-)

Half a Million... Wow

Posted at

Looks like I just went over half a million downloads last night or this morning. Humbling. I'd like to thank you all that read my writings. I really appreciate it, as well as the comments I get. The fact that you take the time to reach out speaks volumes, so both positive and negative comments mean something. All criticism is constructive, in one way or another, some more so than others, surely, but I take it all in and consider what I can, or should, do.

Thank you, again. Hope you all have a great holiday season. Thanksgiving is coming soon, then Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Years. I'm sure I missed some, but it's hard to keep track. These are the ones I know about.

God Bless,

Charlie, at least for now.

Missing Muses

Posted at

If any y'all see my muses, please spank them and send them home. I was just in the shower with them where they helped me with a story setup and character development, then as I was getting out, the bitches took off for points unknown. It was a cute story, too, but now... Oh, well... Damned muses anywho. I love the little twirps, but sometimes... Nevermind.

Hope this finds all of you, and I do mean ALL of you in as good of health as you deserve, and hope it improves, if that makes sense.

Peace... Charlie Out.

Happy Samhain, indeed !!!

Posted at

Thank you, StarFleet Carl for mentioning it, and a Glorious Feast of the Dead to all. And, yes, LET'S GO BRANDON !!!

A good run ???

Posted at Updated:

On the 6th of January, I wrote 'It was a good run...'. I got replies, both good and bad, in my view, but I'd like to resurface my concern. If anyone out there thinks anything is going the way our forefathers thought it would, they're smoking something stronger than cigarettes.

There was something once said about rebellion and blood and fixing things and waking people up, but I don't have and don't want to work up the energy to research the exact quote. All I know, is that things are going downhill in a hand basket, and as long as 51 percent of the population is benefiting from that fact, our lives are going to keep diminishing.

Have a fun fucking day.




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