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Charlie for now: Blog


Time to pile on !!! HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!

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Happy New Year to all here at SOL. It is a wonderful place to hang out and I wish you all, everyone of you, all the best. Hugs, Charlie (for now)

Merry Christmas and I Wish redux (by popular request)

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We joke about those special two out of the five or so readers we have asking us to continue a story or something, but that actually happened, so for them, I added a bit of dialogue and fun to I Wish and reposted it. It's three chapters now, and if my fairy muse (she's a cute little green thing with… I digress) comes back by, I'll look at a follow-on. For now, though, I thank those couple of readers, and hope this is adequate for them, and as always, I thank Editor Supreme Pixel the Cat for doing this just before the holidays when I'm sure he had plenty of constructive work to do. Merry Christmas, everyone.

Happy Thanksgiving

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Happy Thanksgiving to SOL in general, but on my IRL list to be thankful for are the people who make and let this happen, and the readers who let me share my fantasies and memories. I am very thankful to the people who let me know my stories have touched them, whether in a positive or negative light, and especially the person that helps make them better, Pixel the Cat. I give thanks for and to you all.

Love, Charlie, for now, at least.

The goddess fades away.

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Two weeks after a religious experience, I find there is no goddess. 18 September, The Dome at the Americas Center, the former home of the St. Louis Rams, was the location. She performed extravagantly. I was mesmerized. Chills ran several times, and I was on the verge of emotional peak several times, eyes wet, experiencing tumultuous feelings pressed on by bass booms and a beautiful voice. The set was high tech, over the top, grand, and all encompassing. An amazing time.

Then today I find she opened her mouth about politics, and the fourteen-year love affair with my muse crashed into pieces on the concrete. The beautiful crystal figurine of my imagination, now ugly broken glass shards on the floor. I hope I can still write after this. I truly do, but she and her music have been driving forces behind my creativity, and my life, and I really don't know what I'll do.

If you are wondering why this has an impact, just think of your hero and everything you like about them, then finding that they are in fact, the opposite. All of what you admire about the person, not the performance, but the person, was wrong. Maybe that Elvis was gay, Alanis Morrissette wasn't, JJ Watt kills puppies, use your own example, but it would bother you. A lot.

No, no more goddess. Just another entertainer with more dollars than sense. She could have kept her reputation and her political feelings to herself like she had the last ten, almost eleven, of her adult years, and those of her fans that love her music and admire her for NOT being a Social Justice Warrior could have gone on with their fantasies. That's all it was anyway. POP! Another balloon goes in the trash.

I'm sorry for venting here, but I have no other outlet save the street corner, and it's raining. Maybe later.

The Perfect Erotic Romance Story

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I'm posting the title mini-tome as I write this. Please don't take the title too seriously. It's just a lark. I know I'll get push back on this, but please, I don't presume to be perfect at anything, much less and especially writing. It was just a fun idea. If not for the labors of one Pixel the Cat, you wouldn't be able to read it anyway. Thank you, sir, again, for what you do.



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