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Sorry, all, for not keeping you apprised. Work has gotten hectic, but my most-recent work-related publication is the primary culprit in not uploading new chapters. I had to do a major re-write on a paper and it took much longer than it should have. It's submitted now, so once the work-work part of my life settles down -- in a few days? -- I'll be able to to get back to the Beth Universe.
As I noted in a previous post here, work was quite hectic in the last half of June, hence I posted no chapters of Beth or any of its offshoots. However, in that time period I also made the mistake of discovering aroslav's "Living Next Door to Heaven" (LNDTH) books. "Mistake" not because they were horrible, but because they are far too good and far too engrossing. When I crack a new book (literally or figuratively) that immediately grabs my attention and keeps a stranglehold on it, I tend to read and read 'til there ain't no more to be read, which often results in nights with little sleep. I was also intrigued by how many aspects of Beth were shared by aroslav's tour de force. Rather, given that LNDTH predates Beth by more than half a decade, how many aspects LNDTH shares with Beth.
While I've managed to pull myself back from the addiction for a bit, despite not having finished book 2, I'm also still wrestling with the timing and pace of the changes that have been coming to the Go5, even the Go6, in recent chapters. Often when that sort of thing happens, I can easily distract myself with minutiae. This time, it's the structure of the state high-school soccer tournament and how far into it Central High goes.
I've promised myself to take a break from LNDTH to bear down on solving my technical problems with Beth. Hopefully, I'll get Chapter 78 posted in the near future.
I have resubmitted Chapter 77 to fix an error in math terminology. It has just been far too long since my math days and I'd forgotten something. Thanks to steezito for reminding me.
Chapter 77 is in the queue. I wanted to get this chapter uploaded, as work and some personal business will be taking up much of my time for the rest of the month. I should be able to get Chapter 78 done reasonably quickly and posted before (hopefully, well before) the end of the month. Beth is going to be having a busy and occasionally difficult time for a while.
After taking a couple days off work and getting some writing in and, more importantly, planning, I got two installments posted in a couple days. Now, I'll have to pay for that time, so it could be a while before Chapter 76 gets posted. Hopefully, with work returning to normal levels of intensity, it won't be weeks between chapters as it has been the past few months.
Thanks to those of you that have written with kind words about Beth and its offshoots. I greatly appreciate them.
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