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The first of what will be a single-digit number of chapters is in the queue.
Sorry all. I've had to re-upload Chapter 68 as somewhere in dealing with it, I lost/forgot to include the change of Civia's sleepover and the Paleceks' visit on the weekend after Chapter 68. It's not a big deal, and re-reading Chapter 68 is not really necessary once you know about the schedule change.
is in the queue. Work has been hellish of late, thus I've been slow to finishing 67. I think that work should abate enough to allow me more writing time in the near future.
After an incredibly grueling, but satisfying, two+ weeks of field work, I have finally had a chance to finish Chapter 65. It will be in the queue shortly. There may well be a shorter delay in getting to following chapters, as another work project will be coming online sometime soon. However, that one will not take anywhere near the amount of time each day that my most recently completed project did and not leave me too exhausted to think straight enough to write.
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