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The LATT, Chapter 11 alteration

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Because I wanted to clean up a few errors in Chapter 11, as well as put in a couple of things I had forgotten to include, I've just revamped the chapter a bit, including making one feature clearer. I'll be uploading the new version soon. While I changed nothing all that substantive, readers may want to take another look. Thanks to one reader suggesting a couple of typographical error fixes and making a comment that made me realize that one part of the chapter was interpreted differently than I intended. I particularly appreciated that. You know who you are.

Update on my time and stories

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I believe I can see the light of day at work. One of the major reports due soon is in final review and I'll have the first draft of the other done soon. I had a bit of free time tonight, so finally finished and queued Chapter 17 of A New Tree; it should be up sometime today. In short bits of stolen time over the past two weeks, I've gotten Chapter 4 of the second Sandy story about half-finished and Chapter 11 of LATT well started. I'm also slowly going through the long, careful process of re-editing the fifth book of Beth (Chapters 46-57) so I can, hopefully, get it published at Bookapy in the next few weeks. I'm very much looking forward to having more significant time aimed at my own projects rather than work projects!


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I've been wrestling mightily with two big reports for work that have sapped my time and energy of late. While I've made progress on the next chapters of LA & TT, Sandy 25 years later, and Daymon in that time, the LA & TT chapter beat the others to the finished line and is now in the publication queue. I hope to get the next chapters of the other two stories published next week, but I can't guarantee it will happen.

LA and The Team cast list

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I've uploaded a cast of characters and a short gazetteer of places into the publishing queue, which should be placed immediately before Chapter 1. It should be up sometime on the 26th (NYC time).

Daymon--Stupid mistake

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I just realized that I had forgotten I'd already named Daymon's mother when I began calling her Sally. I've just fixed that in the published chapters 1-2 and in chapter 3, which will be published Wednesday morning (NYC time). I once heard this statement somewhere, and agree with it: "It's Hell getting old."



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