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I see that the first book of Beth (Chapters 1-20) is available, with a link at the end of the SOL Chapter 1 of the story. I apologize for the clunky way this has gone, but this is my first experience with this.
_Beth_ will soon be published on Bookapy, and when that happens, the powers that be take all but the first chapter down from SOL, then add the chapters back one at a time every few days. Unfortunately, the powers that be took _Beth_ down without telling me, so I did not have a chance to write a blog post explaining that and warning current readers who may not have finished the story.
If my readers couldn't tell, late August is a critical time for three of my stories in the Beth universe, and I need to synch those stories so that one doesn't steal thunder from one or both of the others. Currently, _Sandy II_ is ahead in the calendar and _A New Tree_ has been on hiatus waiting for that story's main character to return home from the weekend being documented in Beth II (otherwise known as _Las Amadas and The Team_). That weekend will take quite some time, given that the first 12 or so hours of it required eleven chapters of the story! That eleventh chapter from August 24th will post in the evening of 20 October (NYC time).
I've uploaded a prologue and the first two chapters for the _Beth_ sequel, Las Amadas and The Team (although I cannot get the system to allow a capitalized "The;" Ugh).
I've got some additional irons in the fire, now, so it might be a while before I add further chapters to the sequel.
Just when I was hoping to get in a lot of writing time to get well ahead in the _Beth_ sequel before I start posting it, work got busy, again last week. Not crazy busy as in spring, but busy enough to greatly limit my writing/planning time. Now that _The New Tree_ has reached the day that the big LA-The Team sleepover weekend begins, I'll have nothing to add to any bits of the Universe, other than _Sandy_ until I get more written in the follow-on story to _Beth_ for which I've finally got a title: _Las Amadas and The Team_. I know. Original! Right? Whatevs, as a niece of mine says.
I hope also to get more of the set-up of _It's My Party_ done so I can get into the meat of that story. Once I get to that point, I might lay it down to concentrate getting _LAaTT_ well ahead. Finally, I got another wild hare the other evening, and I have the bones of another one-off story built in my mind that I'll probably get down sometime early in September.
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