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I just submitted the last chapter of Will Potter's adventures. For me, it has been a great eleven weeks posting the story and getting the positive and helpful feedback from you, the readers. Thank you for sharing the ride! More than 10% of you opted for the Bookapy version of the story with its bonus contents, and of course, instant gratification. To these, I also offer my thanks and appreciation. I am indebted to Old Rotorhead for picking out many errors, typos and other screw-ups during the edit, but also to my readers who offered their feedback and thus helped to clean up the last (I hope) mistakes.
I am currently working on three projects: i) Young Thomas Grey, the prequel; ii) Can't Pick Your Family — Tess, well, it's about Tess, duh!; iii) Commodore Carter — Ashore and Abroad.
Given the erratic attendance of my muse, I cannot predict which of them will be finished first and when. I am greatly motivated though by the wonderful reception Will Potter has enjoyed.
The new and improved version of The Adventures of Young Will Potter is available now. Based on numerous feedback messages from SOL readers, I have eliminated yet another batch of typos and other errors.
Dear readers,
I am seriously behind in answering my messages. A family member had emergency surgery two days ago, and I am otherwisely occupied. Give me a few days to get things sorted.
I fixed some typos and several timeline errors in the ePub. Of the free version on SOL, chapters 2 and 3 were corrected.
Thanks to my SOL readers who pointed out the problems!
with bonus content, including the full set of requirements for a purser's report.
Of course, those who choose not to purchase will still be able to read the book for free by chapters, twice weekly, over the next 11 weeks. After all, I owe my writing fun to the readers who supported me over the last 20 years.
Added, 04-08-2024: A new version with ten typos and one glaring continuity error less is now available for download. My thanks to reader johnny69!
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