The ClitoridesAwards are now in the voting phase. Read and vote for your favorites
We're having an April's fools writing contest. Few more days until submissions close.

Argon: Favourites

1: The Best of Both Worlds by Dilettante
Basically, it's the old guy-picks-up-one girl-after-the -other-and-builds-a-harem plot. It is the way Dilettante has spun his yarn that makes the story so loveable. The constant charming silliness and the overboarding humour add to the appeal. The male character is no gun-toting superman, there are no international plots to unravel, no evil people to combat. This is the ultimate feel-good story for those who dream of harmony in a relationship, and yes, of great blowjobs. The Zoo will never be the same for me!
2: A Bettered Life by Michael Lindgren
This is one of the stories I would have liked to find in airport bookstores, back when I bought paperbacks to pass the time. It is a beautiful little character development piece, with likeable people and an excellent plot. Technically, it's superb! A Nobel Price winning author has writer's block and spends his time travelling across the country, giving paid readings at bookstores and in universities, slaying co-eds on the side. He has his awakening, plus an end to his writer's block, when he wanders by chance into a used book store owned by a rather pretty young lady. Read it and enjoy it; you will hardly find better writing for free.
3: Duel and Duality; Book 1 of Poacher's Progress by Jack Green
This is sort of from my own bailiwick – 19th century historical fiction. The research is meticulous, and the language is authentic. The hero is not infallible, but the ladies love to "gallop" with him. It starts a bit slow, but the lead character develops nicely right to the ending. If you enjoyed my Anthony Carter universe, try this one out for a change!
4: The Grim Reaper by rlfj
One of the greatest stories on this site, it engages the reader from the first moment. High school romance, sports, military conflict as well as cops and robbers are all included, touching virtually every popular genre and mixing them superbly. If you are at SOL, this is a must read.
5: Heroes by Don Lockwood
Meet Ginny, a lonely girl genius who despairs of life. Follow her as she tries to glue her life together, with the help of people who she never dreamt were her friends. On one hand, it is the classical plot of the isolation nerds feel in school. On the other hand it is a rousing plea for tolerance and humanity. A fine piece of work that anyone save for the incurably homophobic can enjoy.
6: The Preacher Man by hammingbyrd7
Hammingbyrd7 has created an amazing universe. In a theocracy, many hundred years in the future, society is based on an ancient computer code and on beliefs rooted in something reminiscent of radical Islam. This is the story of a young man who dedicates his amazing abilities to undermine the system and to free the enslaved women. The most amazing thing about this serial is the care with which hammingbyrd crafted his universe. The plot is nothing short of flawless. Technically, I found no fault either, and the appeal was very high almost to the end. If you look for an excellent read, try The Preacher Man.
7: Serendipity by Tedbiker
Ted is the skipper of his own sailing ketch and know as a ladies' man, but when Grace charters his boat for a circumnavigation of Britain, he is quickly smitten by the slim young woman whose innocent sensuality is impossible to resist. Tedbiker has written quite a number of fine tales for SOL, but for me, Serendipity is the most engaging.
8: Shasta's Tale by colt45
With the opening sentences, the story grips you, never to let go. An enslaved girl, violated for years, finds the opportunity to strike back, and boy, does she! Strong female lead characters, a male lead that appeals to the male ego, and a credible plot, all make for an enthralling story.
9: The Solitary Arrow by Mack the Knife
It's Tolkien, but with sex. Set in Tolkien's world of humans, elves, and orcs, Mack the Knife creates a set of wonderful characters. A human ranger, an overseer of the ducal forest, saves an elven maid and becomes entangled in her quest. There are sorcerers and traitors enough to make their travels a great adventure. I could also name "Murder Isle", also by Mack the Knife, but alas, the story is unfinished. Well, there is always hope, isn't there, Mack?
10: Unending Night by Jay Cantrell
It's certainly one of the shortest of Jay Cantrall's stories, but if you listened to Dr. Ruth, you know that length isn't everything. The story covers a very busy night for two teenagers from opposite ends of the social ladder who are thrown together by coincidence. It ends ambiguously, and that is indeed one of its strong points. Another of the must reads on this site.


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