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Xalir: Blog


One-Year anniversary countdown

Posted at 8/8/2017, 10:38:25 PM

Ten days from now is the first anniversary of starting to publish the deviant thoughts in my head. I'm looking forward to it, but I've also been looking at the download count across all my stories. I'm so close to 1,000,000 downloads, I can almost taste it. I'm hoping that we can reach those two milestones at the same time, but there's still about 50,000 DLs to go.

Here's to hoping. I want to take a moment to thank everyone who's supported Trading Up so far. I've gotten a lot of people tell me that they were hooked by the first chapter and that brought a smile to my day. If we reach that 1,000,000 landmark, I think we're in for an appearance from the Bonus Chapter Fairy.

Trading Up and update about My Journey

Posted at 8/7/2017, 6:10:45 PM

Hi folks. I just submitted chapter 1 of Trading Up for posting and it should be up (probably before I finish this blog. LOL). It's 28 chapters of fun with new characters and a few hints at old ones. So far, the response has been positive and I still offer pre-release copies if the thought of waiting for the chapters is driving you mad. Just email me for details.

Now, onto an equally important subject: Matt. People have been asking me a lot of questions about My Journey lately and I owe you some sort of update on why you're not returning to Boston to hear what Beck has to say for herself. My Journey suffered a pretty massive tone-shift in book 4, with sex taking a front row seat, compared to previous books where sex was slightly more balanced. There were a lot of different plot threads that all led to Matt's bed in the first few weeks of 2016 and I burnt out. I was in the middle of another of those scenes when everything froze. I couldn't envision a way through the rest of the scene I was in and I realized that I'd stacked more scenes for the days afterwards. It was getting out of hand. So, I took a step back. I knew that the writer's block would relax and clear itself eventually, but I needed time away from Matt and that atmosphere.

So that's where Third Time came from and where Trading Up came from and the other stories that I've been bouncing back and forth between while I get my head clear and mentally prepare to re-enter the orgy that Book 4 has become. Some of you are probably a little disappointed that there's quite so much sex, but in the first three weeks of January, he's got Emma, Gina, Tricia, Collie, Tabby, Hanna returns from vacation, Lana and Beck get their final results back and Lana, at least, fully intends to celebrate in the most pornographic manner possible. hints.

As I can focus on it, I'll be inching the cursor forward on Matt's life and I hope for a breakthrough where I check my progress and realize that the block was 30 pages ago and I'm writing like mad. To put it in perspective for where my physical progress is, the first three books were somewhere right around 400-450 pages. Book 4 is hovering around 200 pages right now, so I have a long way to go. I promise, I'll try to keep everyone updated as I make more progress.

Trading Up pre-release

Posted at 7/25/2017, 6:59:19 PM

Well, I FINALLY finished one. I have Trading Up ready to offer as a pre-release before I start posting it on SOL in a couple of weeks. Here's the vital stats:

Trading Up
28 Chapters
Synopsis: John Hooker has an enviable life. A beautiful wife, a career as an architect, a hobby as a part-time MMA fighter that pays for itself and a little more. He lives in sunny California and doesn't have a care in the world, until his wife drops a bombshell on him that spirals his life out of control. How will life look when the dust settles and what parts of his life will be forever ruined? Even he doesn't know.

If anyone is interested in getting a pre-release copy, my email is Just send me an email and I'll reply with the details on who, what, when, where, why and how. Out of respect for Lazeez, I'm asking you to email me directly since I know that there are rules about advertising directly on here and I don't know how he'd feel about using the messaging system for traffic like that.

Thanks for all your support of my work, whether you participate in the pre-releases, read on SOL, review the stories or just score them when you're done.

And they all lived....

Posted at 7/3/2017, 5:16:44 PMUpdated: 7/3/2017, 5:16:57 PM

It's with a sense of satisfaction, that I post the last chapter in Third Time's The Charm. Pete and Lori have been through Hell to get to this point, but I think that it'll leave you all feeling the same satisfaction that I had when I put the final period on the last line.

Thanks to everyone who's been reading and to everyone who's been looking forward to see what's next for me. The answer is a book called Trading Up. It's out with Justin and John right now, getting an edit job for some of the really unbelievable mistakes that I make with the writing. Hopefully it'll be done soon and I can announce it being available for pre-release.

The Beginning of the End

Posted at 6/26/2017, 5:28:23 PM

Chapter 16 has been submitted. It's the second last chapter in Third Time, so next Monday will be the last look into Peter's life for a while, at least.

This chapter and next week will cover their travels to introduce their families and friends to each other and begin their new lives together. I hope both chapters are very satisfying to you.

Thanks again to everyone who's supported me, whether it's just by reading each chapter, or by scoring the stories, reviewing them for others, writing me with feedback or supporting the pre-release offerings when I manage to bring another story into the station.



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