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Xalir: Blog


A little late posting today

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Hi all. I've got the next chapter in the queue, so it should be up shortly. I'd apologize for the late posting today, but I've posted later than this in the past. In all seriousness, the weather patterns here have been screwy lately and it's messed up my sleeping schedule. Of course, Destiny 2 released this week too, and THAT'S screwed up my sleeping schedule too. LOL

Thanks again to everyone for all the comments on the story so far (or, at least the constructive ones). I appreciate that John's been too passive for some of you, but I didn't feel the tone of the character led itself to him being more aggressive with Barb. Hopefully the next few chapters will ease some of that irritation.

I also want to say a quick word about Hurricane Irma. Our community has several luminaries in Florida and I hope that they're lightly affected by this massive and powerful storm. Asking that they be bypassed completely is probably too much to hope for. I just hope that they're all safe and stay that way.

Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 is submitted. I think it will satisfy some of the critics that think John's been submissively taking everything Barb and Brad have done. Yeah, you're right. Probably not. LOL

Thanks to everyone who's written with constructive feedback, whether it's been comments on the story, spelling corrections, criticism of John's choices to tough it out as long as he has or questions about his mysterious plans for the future. I try to answer everyone back and discuss the things that are uppermost in your mind. Fair warning though: I've had my fill of people sending me one line that says "What a fuckin pussy! He should beat the shit out of them both. Why don't you grow some fucking balls?" Those messages no longer get diplomatic responses. The last week or so, I've been a little more direct in telling them to fuck off. Yeah. I'm still getting at least one or two like that, every time I post. Such is life.

Chapter 9

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I just submitted Chapter 9 for posting. It covers John's fight and most of his time in Vegas. There's some interesting developments in here and one that hints at the end of the story, as those that have read the whole thing can attest.

Thanks to everyone who's written, read, scored or reviewed the things on my page. I appreciate all the support.


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Someone pointed out that I missed posting on Friday, which I'd gotten into the habit of doing. So today, I'm posting both Chapter 7 and 8. This introduces a couple of new characters: Otto and Ganju. Both are fun characters, but Ganju was one that I liked a lot. He doesn't say much, but his attitude is perfect for John.

Thanks to everyone who's been writing me with feedback about the story so far. It's been a real eye-opener to hear some of the attitudes toward his plight.

One Million Downloads

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I just checked the download count on my page and it's over one million. That's astounding to me. In celebration, I'm posting a bonus chapter today that reveals what that fatal blow is that derails John's plans for Cecilia.

Thanks to everyone who's contributed and supported my work, whether you've purchased a pre-release, scored one of my tales or just stopped by to read. Special thanks to John and Justin for continuing to edit my rough work. They do a Hell of a job.



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