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Xalir: Blog


Chapter 6

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So this chapter is where we catch up to where we found Ham at the start of the story. If there was ever a place for the shit to hit the fan, this is it.

I hope everyone appreciates the awkward conversation that fills most of this chapter. It's one that's been a long time coming for Peter and one that he's managed to avoid up until now.

Thanks to everyone who's been reading and writing back to me. I've been admittedly neglecting email this past week as I've been on sort of a hot streak with several stories, but I AM working on Book 4, albeit slowly as inspiration takes its own time to get where it wants me to go.

Chapter 5

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I just put chapter 5 in for submission, so it should be up soon. Today's chapter is the rest of Ham's time in Birmingham for now. It also contains a scene that I personally found more emotionally charged than the crash, so be warned to read with that in mind.

I hope everyone had a happy Easter and got to spend time with the people important to them. Thanks to everyone who writes to me about the stories and other subjects. I can't stress enough how much encouragement there is in just a simple note to the authors that you like.

Chapter 4

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I just put Chapter 4 up for posting. This is possibly the most difficult chapter I've ever written. I've tried to infuse my writing with emotion and in the case of this chapter, I still feel the anguish as deeply today when I reread it as I did when I wrote it. I warn you that it's hard to read and the grief is real.

As always, I want to thank everyone who writes, comments, scores the stories, votes for them in the Clitorides and supports my work by downloading and reading each chapter. I'll keep writing so long as people are interested in reading.

Chapter 3

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I just submitted chapter 3 of Third Time to be posted, so it should be up soon. There's a little piece of unexpected wisdom in this chapter where Ham invents a rule about recovering from breakups. It came off the top of his (and therefore, my) head and he made it up, but since the story was first sent out as a pre-release, several people have commented about how true they felt it was. It makes me chuckle to know that I can add "Life Coach" to my list of outrageous claims.

As always, thanks to everyone who reads, writes, votes for these works in the Clitorides and takes a moment to score the stories they like (or hate). I appreciate it all more than I can say.

Third Time, Chapter 2

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The second chapter is submitted and should be up shortly. This one has several points where I looked at what I'd written and nodded with a little pride. The line "The currency of promises is trust" is one that made me stop and really appreciate the truth of that thought. There's another one in there when Peter describes how he feels after his unexpected visitor at Mike's that still makes me smirk.

Thanks to everyone who's been writing about it and those of you who've asked about Book 4. It's still in progress, but I'm making more time for it and it's moving a little better than it has. Sometimes, the inspiration flows like water and others, it flows like glaciers. Still, ever onward.



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