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Xalir: Blog


New chapters, Clitorides and pre-release

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Hi folks. I'm posting early this week since I'm lucid at an early hour and I've got a lot of writing that I want to get done. Chapters 34 and 35 represent the end of Tuesday and the beginning of Wednesday for Matt. There's a lot that happens in these chapters between Matt's trips to the hospital, school and discussions at home and it starts the slow march toward the end of Book 3.

Now, I want to take a moment for some shameless promotion. The Clitoride Awards are still voting. If you loved My Journey or The Party, please, vote for them. I've been overwhelmed by the response on there and I know that I don't have a prayer in a lot of categories, but there's a few.... On the same note, I'd like to put in a word for a story from a fellow author that I think deserves more recognition. "Cuffs" by PlusPlus is an enchanting little read about a Halloween weekend to remember. He first sent it to me, intending to submit it for the Halloween story contest and I encouraged him to expand it and continue it instead. If you have a moment and you're looking for something involving a little kink, a few costumes and some intense imagery, give it a look. I think you'll be delighted with it.

I want to thank everyone that's picked up the pre-release of Third Time's the Charm. So far, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and I'll start posting it here right after I take a little break at the end of Book 3. Anyone interested in the pre-release that hasn't been in touch is still welcome to send me a message and I'll gladly send you the details.

Wow! I'm so long-winded today. I'll shut up now and go get Matt into some trouble. LOL

Chapters 32 and 33

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I just posted the next two chapters to the queue for the moderators. These represent the return to school for Matt and the girls attending high school. It also represents a new dimension to his life at school. Where he had one lunch period before, now he has both lunch periods open and this gives him a different set of people to interact with.

On another note, I have the pre-release copy of my newest book ready for anyone interested in it. It's entitled "Third Time's The Charm" and it's 17 chapters. As always, please message me if you're interested in the pre-release before it starts posting to SOL, which will probably happen a few weeks after Book 3 is done posting.

For all who are interested in the progress of Book 4, I've been finding it a little difficult to work with lately. Most of that is because the amount of sex has increased greatly from the other books for the scenes I've been writing and I've found myself challenged to stay focused on delivering the level of attention that those scenes deserve. Part of it though, is that there's a lot going on in Matt's life, so I've felt the need to go back and reread the three previous books to comb through for notes, which is a first for me. There's just been so many small details that I've started to get suspicious that I'm in danger of missing some, so I need to figure out whether I missed something or if I'm just getting paranoid as Matt gets older. LOL

New Chapters

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Just posted chapters 30 and 31. Short blog today since I'm in the middle of a blizzard. My net is down and tethering to my phone kind of sucks, but I had to get today's special out to everyone.

Thanks to everyone for being part of the journey. I can't stress enough that your enthusiasm sparks my own. Keep letting me know what you love.

Chapters 28 and 29

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I just put up the newest chapters for posting, so they should be up shortly. They cover most of the time leading up to Matt's return to school, though there's more chapters to go about Monday night. For those of you who remember my horrible mispost from Book 2, Chapter 31 will be officially posted next week.

Thanks again to everyone who's been patiently staying in touch with me. I'm still catching up on emails a few at a time, trying not to overload myself too much at any one time, but at least I'm only a few days behind now.

On another note, I've just finished one of the six books I've been working on through my period of radio silence. I'm planning on adding chapter breaks and then sending it out for editing later on today. Admittedly, I haven't decided if it's worthy of getting a pre-release treatment, but I think it is. It's about 175 pages as opposed to the 78 that The Party had been and the average of 430 that My Journey has been through the first three books.

Chapters 26 and 27

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Hi folks. I just put two new chapters up to be posted, so they should be along shortly. These chapters cover most of the day and include Matt and Gina's trip to see Mark and Char and a small revelation about Matt's shield that people have wondered about.

Thanks to everyone who's been writing me. This past month has been a difficult time of year for me, but I'm starting to recover and answer emails as I return to normal.



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