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Xalir: Blog


My decision

Posted at

I am truly blown away be the response to both his passing and about the now final chapter. So if someone is willing to take up the editing I'd like for it to at least be properly edited. It can be treated as an open ending or people can take up the torch and give an ending.
I know Xalir did not take his writing lightly, while it drove him crazy when he got writers block he gave it his all, and really enjoyed writing, it was an outlet for him and as a bonus you all really seemed to enjoy his works.
So thank you all for your support of him, I know he appreciated it, and so do I.

Sad news.

Posted at

It took me a while to get to this point but im sad to say that the author xalir had passed away in early December. I am sorry for taking so long to make this post, i am not very familiar with this site so took me some time to figure this out.
Now to the mater at hand while he did have book 4 of journy and some other titles in the works I dont think they are completed...or edited. So I will give you the choice to have them posted or not, just send a message I'll get it.

Happy Holidays

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Hi folks. Once again, the holiday season is upon us and I couldn't let it pass without raising my head and wishing you all a very Merry Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate at this time of year.

As some of you know, I have a bad history with the month of December, so I don't celebrate, other than dinner with relatives that do observe the season. This year has been one of the years that frame the basis for my dread of the end of the year. I'll spare you the grim details, but the most trivial of my problems has been that I had to switch the word processor that I use for writing due to a glitch in the old one that I couldn't correct. That's been slowing me down a little as I look for the options I use in the new program, but it's working out for me better than the old one.

That brings me to updating you all on Book 4. It's a work in progress, but with the time I've taken away from SOL and the new program, I've managed to make a lot of headway toward completing the first draft. Once that's done, I'll have it sent out to my editors and give it another pass at the same time for grammar, spelling and the like. Once we all sign off on it from there, I'll polish it a little more and then have it available for pre-release here.

I sincerely hope that I can announce that soon. Until then, I hope you all have a pleasant, safe and memorable holiday.

And they all lived.....

Posted at

So ends Trading Up. This is sort of an epilogue chapter with several things being described in narrative instead of detail. It was the kind of wrap-up that I didn't think would justify detailed scenes, but more a general cover of how things turned out. I hope you all love it. There's even a hint about another tale I've been working at.

Thanks to everyone who's stuck with me. This one was a little rough on my ego in places, but there was an overwhelming level of support to offset it. Thanks!

And then there was one

Posted at

Today's chapter is in. It's sort of the one you've been waiting for with a lot of the revenge against Brad coming out, but there's still a few giggles for the wrathful in Chapter 28.

Thanks to all of you for sticking with me through this one. It's a story I love and I love that most of you appreciate it too.



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