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Uncle Jim: Blog


Magic Ink VII, Chapters 1 & 2

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The opening chapters of the new story have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

Magic Ink VII opens with Margie's return to the O'Connell Realm. She is depressed by the fact that she needed to remove the use of Magic from the former Reality of Less Magic. The following day she and her friends learns about the time difference between the Fourth Reality and the O'Connell Realm.

Her Relatives are upset when she reveals that she is pregnant, but the Eternal Flame appears and settles things. Uncle Aengus decides that they need a Clan meeting to hear what Margie and her friends did to make it the Reality of No Magic.

The Clan dinner is held two days later. Following eating, Margie gives an account of what occurred in the now Reality of No Magic (Magic Ink VI), and calls on each of her friends to explain their part in what happened. Following her explanation, some of her Relatives want to see Robert in his Dragon form, and to see him fly, which he does the following day.

Christmas is only a couple of days after this, and on the 26th, she and Robert learn in a meeting what the new mission for the Clan is in the Fourth Reality, and that she and Robert will be the first to establish contact.

Later she and Robert determine when they will be married.

A few words about the story:
There are actual businesses and people from Statesboro's past that are named in the story who actually lived during the time that the story takes place. Some are well known historic figures, but others are just normal people. Others are people that I made up from my imagination.

With regards to the time frame in this and the previous two stories there is something that I should mention, as it really amazed me.

Magic Ink VI occurs in the year 2508 in the month of April, which was selected because of the timing of the moon phases.

Grace and Owen was written to occur in January of 1907, but for no particular reason.

You can imagine my surprise when I started Magic VII to discover that the days and dates in 2508 and in 1906 matched exactly after the first of March. The year 1906 was a leap-year so January and February didn't match.

I was really amazed that two years selected at random and without any connection would actually be in sync with each other. Perhaps the Eternal Flame inspired me, or it could have been just dumb luck.

Enjoy these two chapters. More next week as the story has been completed, but the editing lags behind as usual.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Update on current work

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I have been working on a number of stories for some time now. Magic Ink VII was started while Grace and Owen was being edited, and I have 12 chapters written on it and have started getting it edited, though the story isn't completed yet. It is a continuation of both Magic Ink VI, and Grace and Owen, having many of the same characters.

Additionally I have been working on another story in the Magic Ink Universe. It is entitled "Amelia and Greg" and occurs just after the completion of Magic Ink V. It is nearly finished and will appear following Magic VII due to
editorial constraints, mainly that I don't want to work my editors to death.

There are several other stories that I am also working on as time permits or I am stuck on one of the main stories. The first is a story called' Olivia' which I began last year. It is a Slave Girl Story, and I have several chapters written.

Next is a SF story with some romance entitled 'Marianne', and it is about a young woman from a three gravity planet who is attending the Colorado School of Mines on Earth. I have one chapter written on it.

Last on my current list is a story entitled "INJUSTICE', and it is about a former Special Operations Officer whose children are kidnapped. There are many problems with how the kidnapping is handled and Max, the hero, must take things in his own hands to settle things. There is only one chapter written on this so far also.

All of these stories will eventually appear as they are finished and edited.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Grace and Owen, Chapters 9 & 10

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The new chapters have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

The final chapters of Grace and Owen open with Grace, Owen and Joe going to buy a buggy for transportation. They also have other shopping to do before returning to the house on Plantation Lane.

At the house, they are surprised when they check the upstairs. Later they check the remainder of the house and have a meal.

On returning to their hotel room, there are lists of things to be made out and then a late supper. In the morning, they check out to the hotel, but Grace isn't happy with Joe's ragged clothing and insists that he needs new clothes, which she takes him to get in addition to new boots.

Back at the house, Joe sees the new blacksmith shop, and Grace has a problem with the stove. Later the new supplies arrive. Later that day they realize that there is more to be done for the house, and that more supplies will be needed. Lists are made.

On Sunday, Grace thinks about the O'Connell Sisters and what they must have gone through in their old age living in the house. Sunday is also church, but they don't linger in town as there is still much to do at the house.

Two plus weeks later on the 12th of February, they are visited by Margie K and her Husband, Robert who have much to reveal to them.

These chapters conclude Grace and Owen. Their story will be continued in Magic Ink VII where they will join Clan O'Connell. I am currently writing Magic VII. I'm not sure when it will appear, as I am only part way through it on chapter 9 and have a lot more to cover. I have started the editing on it this week.

Enjoy these chapters. Magic Ink VII will start as soon as I can have it ready.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Grace and Owen, Chapters 7 & 8

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The new chapters have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

This weeks chapters open with Grace and Owen getting settled in their hotel in Statesboro. The next morning they go to the Bank of Statesboro to obtain a safe deposit box.

On leaving the bank they spend several days looking over Statesboro; its various businesses, houses, and churches. They also visit Mr. Hardie, the local blacksmith at his shop.

Later in their room, Owen is discouraged, but Grace suggests that they check out the availability of farm land.At breakfast the next morning, they find an ad for land seized by the county for non-payment of taxes and decide to check on it.

At the courthouse, the clerk asks if they are interested in the O'Connell land after learning Owen's name. He tells them about Margie and Katie. They leave to look at the land.

On Plantation Lane there are many surprises waiting for them, and they decide that this opportunity is too good to pass up and return to the Courthouse to buy the land. There they meet an elderly black man and hire him as a consultant because he is familiar with the land and the house.

In their room that night they go over the many things that they will need to set up housekeeping. There is one problem that they are worried about, and that is getting married, as the people there believe they are already married. In the morning there is another trip to the bank.

Enjoy these chapters. More next week.

Keep Well
uncle jim

Grace and Owen, Chapters 5 & 6

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The new chapters have been sent to the Moderators for posting.

This week's chapters open with Grace and Owen suddenly appearing on a street in Philadelphia. Their first thoughts are to locate the train station to see when they can get a train to Savannah.

Following purchasing tickets for the afternoon train, they decide that they require better clothing to travel in and they set out to acquire them.

They are greatly impressed on seeing the train shed where they board the train, and Grace is impressed with the Pullman car. Once on their way they read the paper they purchased and eat the pastries they bought. Later there is supper in the dinning car.

That night, they have sex in their Pullman section, but awaken in time to have breakfast in the morning before the train pulls into Savannah.

In Savannah the get a hotel room, take a nap, and Owen arranges for a box in the hotel's safe to keep the satchel in. He and Grace have a meal, buy a pocket watch, and set out to look at the fancy ironwork that the city is famous for. Owen is dejected by the lack of opportunities for Blacksmiths in Savannah, and they decide to check out Statesboro and the land prices there. On Monday they take the train to Statesboro, where they need to find a hotel again.

Enjoy these chapters of their travels. More next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim



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