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Uncle Jim: Blog


Magic Ink VII, Chapters 11 & 12

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This week's chapters open with the start of construction on the first two new houses on Plantation Lane, and the beginning of spring planting. Things continue to go well until the beginning of June, when Uncle Aengus arrives with the bill-of-sale for the property that the school will be built on. They need to visit the Recorder's office with it.

A few days later, Margie and Grace are in town and spot Ramero from New York City talking to a local girl. Margie freezes him with a spell, and they transfer home to allow Owen to deal with him.

Later Robert and Owen deal with Ramero's assistants. Robert follows them out of town but as Crendenor. When he learns that the men have abducted a young woman, he deals with the assistants and helps the young woman.

The June problems aren't over yet, and it is necessary to address another one in late June ... Deer. They are eating the farmer's crops. At a meeting, Margie convinces the farmers renting Owen's fields to allow her to deal with the problem.

Margie and her father patrol the fields in their Were-form for several nights while her Mother works on a spell for warding stones. On the final night of patrolling, Margie takes down a large but stupid buck, and has a meal before returning to the O'Connell house with it. Butchering is soon underway.

When Margie and Robert return home later, she is anxious for SEX and not love. Later that day Margie's Mother and Aunt arrive with the completed warding stones.

By the end of June, the new house are ready for the installation of the utilities.

Enjoy these two chapters, more next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Magic Ink VII, Chapters 9 & 10

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This week's chapters open with Grace, Margie, and Joe going to town to check on the availability of seeds for planting this year. At the hardware store a local woman insults Joe, and Margie immediately takes offense to her attitude with a statement of principle regarding all of the O'Connells and their employees. She uses a little Magic to enforce her deceleration.

On leaving the store, the women go to look at dresses and encounter a runaway buggy. Later on meeting up with Joe, he has a surprise for them. On returning home, there are clothes to be mended and bread to be baked. Margie helps Robert close the portals for the night.

Joe brings the cats in at supper time, and Margie returnes them to the stable after eating following introducing them to Macha for them to become acustom to her.

The road work and the survaying proceed rather quickly, and the chickens that they had ordered arrive early in March. Following St. Patrick's Day, Margie's Cousin arrives with a tractor from the O'Connell Realm to plow Owen's fields.

Margie and Robert secure a contractor to build the new houses and she arranges to have the hole for the basement excpvated by a relative.

Owens tenent farmers are impressed with his already tilled fields.

Enjoy these two chapters for now. More next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Magic Ink VII, Chapters 7 & 8

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This weeks chapters open with the discovery that the music room in Grace and Owen's house is much smaller than the one in the Founder's house and too small for the dinner guests to dance in. They depart for the Hall in the O'Connell Realm while Margie collects the music system and demonstrates it for Grace and Owen.

Grace is shocked by the size of the Hall and by how close the people there dance. Later there is Irish dancing, but several of the main characters aren't familiar with them. Lessons are arranged.

Sunday there are questions about their wedding rings at church. Monday morning the surveyor has complaints and questions, but later offers advice. Later the contractor who will be paving Plantation Lane arrives and explains how it will be paved.

That afternoon, Margie and Robert prepare to clear the fields of the weeds and brush. Grace, Owen, and Joe accompany her as she makes her preparations, and Robert deals with the weeds and brush.

Tuesday, Mr. Hickey, the surveyor has questions about the cleared fields and the road work. On Wednesday, discussions turn to what crops to plant. Grace and Joe prepare to leave for town while Owen cleans up his shop. Later he goes out to check on the road work and Mr. Hickey. On returning, he talks with Robert about portals and tractors.

Enjoy these two chapters, more next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Magic Ink VII, Chapters 5 & 6

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This weeks chapters open with Margie and Robert returning to Grace and Owen's house with books on Magic, Magic powered lamps and wedding clothing for Grace and Owen.

Later that night Margie realizes they will require a wedding ring set and promises to get them one before returning home while the others study Magic.

Margie and Robert return the following night with Celeste and Frank. She explains about Magic Ranks and admits that she is a Tiger and Robert is a Dragon before they transform into their Were-forms.

On Friday she returns with her Mother and Celeste to help Grace bake the wedding cake and other goodies. That evening Joe learns that Grace and Owen aren't married yet. Saturday morning Grace attempts to heat water by Magic.

Later on Saturday morning, Margie, her Mother, and Celeste arrive to help prepare the meal that will be served following the wedding at two that afternoon.

At the chapel that afternoon, Grace meets Uncle Seamus, the minister who will be marrying them, and Margie's Father who will escort her down the aisle. Following the wedding there are pictures, a lot of pictures, to be taken. After the reception, there is the wedding dinner with the Senior O'Connells. Grace has several questions about what had occurred that day.

Enjoy these two chapters, more next week.

Keep Well
uncle jim

Magic Ink VII, Chapters 3 & 4

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This weeks chapters open with Margie and Robert attending a meeting with the Senior O'Connell leaders, where they are briefed on conditions in the Forth Reality and what to expect there in the coming year of 1907.

The meeting is interrupted by the appearance of the Eternal Flame who points out a number of things that they had overlooked or not considered and IT assigns them a Clan wide mission in addition to informing them where they are to set up their base of operations.

Margie and Robert reveal their wedding date at the meeting, and later they shop for needed items for the wedding. Following New Year's and it's party things are calmer, but on Saturday the 12th, Robert is very nervous. Margie takes him to Founder's House so he can take a flight to sooth his nerves. While he flies, Margie prepares for her wedding that afternoon.

Near the end of January the Eternal Flame visits them with gifts and instructions. On the afternoon of February 12th, Margie and Robert transfer to the house at the end of Plantation Lane to meet Grace and Owen. Margie explains how the Clan can help the pair and about their Talents and the use of Magic. She also informs Grace that she is pregnant.

Later they are joined by Joe who thinks she is a ghost. She explains what the Clan would like to do in Statesboro, and the land they wish to acquire, some of it from Grace and Owen to build houses on.

She also arranges for Grace and Owen to be married quickly. Celeste is a bit upset when she learns what conditions are like in 1907. Margie and Robert prepare to return to Grace and Owen's house that evening with books on Magic and Magic powered lanterns.

Enjoy these two chapters. More next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim



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