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The Blind Man: Blog


Thanks Steve

Posted at

Thanks for catching the typos. All fixed and reposted. I appreciated the feedback.

Granddad Rufus

Posted at

You missed something. There were two assaisins in chameleon suits. One female and one male. Charles killed one and Elsa the other. It was the guy dragged out and put on display in Chapter 37.

Thanks for asking and thanks for reading.

Thanks Tenderloin

Posted at

Thanks for the catch on Chapter 74. Let's just say I had a bad weekend. The text is fixed and reposted.


Posted at

Thanks every one who caught the typos in Chapter 73. Fixed and reporsted.


Posted at

When I wrote 'How I type' I stated that I work with word at 200 percent normal size. What I should have stated was that my screen resolution is not at the standard out of the box setting but is set at 800x600 which makes a very big difference in how large things appear on my computer screen. That of course is for my left eye. If I set word at 500 percent I can make out a letter at a time with my right eye. I did wear glasses (I have since I was five) but now I only wear them when I'm outside and they are heavily tinted. My glasses don't help when I'm looking at the computer screen and no my opthemoligist can't improve them. I also haven't driven a car since 1990 when I was diagnosed with my medical condition. My license was seized at the time. I have also been using a mobility cane since 1995 and while I call myself 'The Blind Man' the Canadian National Institue of the Blind only considers me a low vision client. Still according to the Canadian Tax system I'm considered legally blind and I do receive a tax deduction. Now I'm going to leave things at that and go back to working on a chapter of Game World. No further comments please.



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